List of Materials : 16573

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
7710 Vietnam: Sustaining growth in difficult times. economic growth, macroeconomic policy, state-owned enterprises, global recession,

Pincus, Jonathan

serials asean economic bulletin

6299 Vietnamese scientist receives DL Umali award. scientist award sustainable agriculture rice production Vo Tong Xuan

Pablico, Sosimo Ma.

serials agriculture magazine

5395 View from the private sector. solid waste management, public private partnership, local government, integrated waste management, environmental protection, Batangas, Philippines,

Shaw, Mark

serials tropical coasts

15413 VIII International conference on management of the diamondback moth and other crucifer insect pests, Proceedings diamondback moth; Plutella xylostella; climate change; biological control; insecticides; cauliflowers; cabbages; mustards; resistance; genetic analysis; Pak choi

Srinivasan, R.; Sotelo-Cardona, P.; Zalucki, M.P.; Shelton, A.M.


362 Village and household economics in India's semi-arid tropics villages households labor land income risk technology assessment

Walker, T. S.; Ryan, J. G.


2507 Village chickens, poverty alleviation and the sustainable control of Newcastle disease : Proceedings of an international conference held in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 5-7 October 2005. village chickens poultry vaccines Newcastle disease diploma courses avian influenza

Alders, R.G.; Spradbrow, P.B.; Young, M.P. (eds.)

book aciar proceedings no. 131

13969 Villar goes for farm mechanization, inbred rice seeds farm mechanization; rice

Yap, Julio P. Jr.

serials agriculture magazine

8595 Villar moves to prepare sugar industry for AEC integration. sugar, agriculture, socialized credit, serials agriculture magazine

9304 Villar: Field trips should include farm tourism destinations. Villar Sipag Urban Farm School, farm tourism, Costales Nature Farms,

Yap, Julio P., Jr.

serials agriculture magazine

11452 Vinegar-making. biotechnology Philippines vinegar banana coconut palm sugarcane ethyl alcohol acetic acid fermentation microorganisms acetobacter biotech greenfields magazine