List of Materials : 16573

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
13125 Water in agriculture water; agriculture; water resources; irrigation development; governance; reservoir sedimentation; climate change; integrated river basin management; development framework plan; water-saving technologies; rice production; ecosystem management; rice production; irrigation management transfer; irrigation systems; policy; institutional issues; communal irrigation system devolution; local government units; Angat Multipurpose Reservoir book

2921 Water in agriculture : Proceedings of a CARDI International Conference: "Research on Water in Agricultural Production in Asia for the 21st Century" Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 25-28 November 2003. water use irrigation poverty alleviation water management GIS floods agricultural production degraded soils rice productivity drought response

Seng, Vang; Craswell, Eric; Fukai, Shu; Fischer, Ken (eds.)

book aciar proceedings no. 116

1557 Water in the 21st century. water crisis water quality pollution environment floods droughts water resources shared waters water issues human rights poverty reduction food production water management water resource projects book theme paper no.8

9712 Water in the 21st Century. water, WARDEC, river system, dam restoration, water shortage, canal project, water resources development, water supply, water conservation, flora and fauna, cd

1887 Water in the Asian cities: Utilities' performance and civil society views. water supply consumption city connections water use tariff revenue costs water utility

Andrews, C.T.; Yñiguez, C.E. (eds.)

book water for all, series 10

98 Water management 2000: not by irrigation alone Water management climate change irrigation food security flood rainfall management weather-based decision making

Baradas, M.W.; Mina, J.DG

book cpds working paper no. 97-04

4682 Water management during rainy season. drainage, water management, plastic mulch, serials agriculture

2727 Water management in public irrigation schemes in Vietnam. water management irrigation Vietnam

Harris, David N.

book impact assessment series 43

4974 Water Monitor Lizard (Varanus salvator Laurenti). serials asean biodiversity

1556 Water policy reform: lessons from Asia and Australia. Australia India Thailand Vietnam China water policy economic analysis water resources planning participatory irrigation management water management water allocation property rights water trade economic tools

Brennan, Donna (ed.)

book aciar proceedings no. 106