ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
9711 | Water for All Publication Series. | water, poverty, world water forum, flood, water networks, sanitation, drinking water, | cd |
1569 | Water for all: The water policy of the Asian Development Bank | water poverty environment regional issues policy stakeholders water resource management water services water conservation regional cooperation governance poverty reduction | book |
16688 | Water for food: Modernizing agriculture for a climate-smart future | water; agricultural productivity; irrigation | weblinks |
1639 | Water for sustainable agriculture in developing regions : More crop for every scarce drop. | water stress drought tolerance biotechnology water use technologies water management crop management rural development | M. Yajima; K. Okada; N. Matsumoto (eds.) |
book | jircas international symposium series no. 10 |
1883 | Water for the poor: Partnerships for action : How to bring water to the rural poor [Draft]. | water poverty capacity building | book | water for all, series 6 |
13125 | Water in agriculture | water; agriculture; water resources; irrigation development; governance; reservoir sedimentation; climate change; integrated river basin management; development framework plan; water-saving technologies; rice production; ecosystem management; rice production; irrigation management transfer; irrigation systems; policy; institutional issues; communal irrigation system devolution; local government units; Angat Multipurpose Reservoir | book |
2921 | Water in agriculture : Proceedings of a CARDI International Conference: "Research on Water in Agricultural Production in Asia for the 21st Century" Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 25-28 November 2003. | water use irrigation poverty alleviation water management GIS floods agricultural production degraded soils rice productivity drought response | Seng, Vang; Craswell, Eric; Fukai, Shu; Fischer, Ken (eds.) |
book | aciar proceedings no. 116 |
1557 | Water in the 21st century. | water crisis water quality pollution environment floods droughts water resources shared waters water issues human rights poverty reduction food production water management water resource projects | book | theme paper no.8 |
9712 | Water in the 21st Century. | water, WARDEC, river system, dam restoration, water shortage, canal project, water resources development, water supply, water conservation, flora and fauna, | cd |
1887 | Water in the Asian cities: Utilities' performance and civil society views. | water supply consumption city connections water use tariff revenue costs water utility | Andrews, C.T.; Yñiguez, C.E. (eds.) |
book | water for all, series 10 |