List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
10070 Weed management in major crops of the Philippines. weed management yield losses species rice corn field legumes vegetables sugarcane cotton pineapple purch

10694 Weed management: implications of herbicide resistant crops. herbicide resistance biotechnology weed management plant pathogen glyphosate glufosinate

Duke, Stephen O.


6644 Weed population dynamics as influenced by tillage, fertilizer and weed management in wheat (triticum aestivum L.) cropping systems of Central Ethiopia tillage weed management fertilizer wheat triticum aestivum L.

Kassahun Zewdie; Rungsit Suwanketnikom; Sombat Chinawong; Chairerk Suwannarat; Sunanta Juntakool; Vichan Vichukit

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

1528 Weed risk assessment. Weeds risk assessment plant introduction invasive plants species screening method Hawaii New Zealand Australia United States

Groves, R.H.; Panetta, F.D.; Virtue, J.G. (eds.)


15698 Weed science and weed management in rice and cereal-based cropping systems, Vol. 2 weed science; weeds; herbicide-resistant weeds; rice; biological control; bioherbicides; weed management; biology; wheat-based cropping systems; rice-wheat; corn-soybean; rice-corn-soybean cropping systems; weed genomics; gene editing; robotic weeders; gene silencing

Baltazar, Aurora M.; De Datta, Surajit K.


15697 Weed science and weed management in rice and cereal‐based cropping systems, Vol. 1 weeds; weed control; rice; rice-based cropping system; weed biology; weed ecology; integrated weed management; chemical control; herbicides

Baltazar, Aurora M.; De Datta, Surajit K.


5198 Weed seedling population and emergence as influenced by handweeding and cultivation. Amaranthus spinosus, Eleusine indica, Rottboellia cochinchinesis, Trianthema portulacastrum, cultivation, goosegrass, horse purslane, itchgrass, spiny amaranth, weed emergence, seed bank, seed reserve, weeds,

Paller, E.C.

serials philippine journal of crop science

3875 Weed survey in established coconut groves of eastern visayas. Coconut plantations, weeds, Imperata cylindrica,

Sanico, Rolinda T.

serials the philippine journal of coconut studies

883 Weeds and weed control in Asia aquatic weeds weed control paddy field herbicide citrus orchard grassland weeds seed dormancy butachlor book fftc book series no.20

14155 Weeds of vegetables and other cash crops in the Philippines weeds; vegetables; grasses; sedges; broadleaves; weed management

Donayre, Dindo King M.; Santiago, Salvacion E.; Martin, Edwin C.; Jeong Taek Lee; Corales, Rizal G.; Virender Kumar; Janiya, Joel D.
