List of Materials : 16573

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
13822 White spot: A new emerging disease in corn plant disease; white spot; corn; Phaeosphaeria serials agriculture magazine

2553 Whither the Philippines in the 21st century?. politics and government social conditions economic conditions poverty business opportunities press religion Philippines

Severino, Rodolfo C.; Salazar, Lorraine Carlos (eds.)


2066 Who counts most in sustainable forest management?. forest management stakeholders

Pierce Colfer, Carol J.


1320 Who counts most? Assessing human well-being in sustainable forest management. forest management poverty

Pierce Colfer, Carol J.: et al.

book 8 - the criteria and indicators toolbox series

10390 Who killed change? Solving the mystery of leading people through change. organizational change; change leadership; communication; urgency; performance management; accountability; social networking

Blanchard, Ken; Britt, John; Hoekstra, Judd; Zigarmi, Pat


9850 Who moved my cheese? : An amazing way to deal with change in your work and in your life. An amazing way to deal with change in your work and in your life. change psychology

Johnson, Spencer


9870 Who moved my cheese? : An amazing way to deal with change in your work and in your life. change psychology

Johnson, Spencer


5399 Who pays for the Erika spill in France?. oil spills, financing system, compensation, oil pollution,

Girin, M.

serials tropical coasts

9864 Who stole my cheese?!! A parody. greed; wealth

Hochberg, I.


14500 Who wants to adopt sustainable charcoal production?: Determinants and willingness to adopt sustainable practices among small-scale producers in Quezon Province, Philippines charcoal production; sustainable practice; forest resources; willingness to adopt; smallholder farmers

Espaldon, Marya Laya O.; Sumalde, Zenaida M.; Rebancos, Carmelita M.; Alcantara, Antonio J.

serials journal of environmental science and management