ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
13822 | White spot: A new emerging disease in corn | plant disease; white spot; corn; Phaeosphaeria | serials | agriculture magazine |
2553 | Whither the Philippines in the 21st century?. | politics and government social conditions economic conditions poverty business opportunities press religion Philippines | Severino, Rodolfo C.; Salazar, Lorraine Carlos (eds.) |
book |
2066 | Who counts most in sustainable forest management?. | forest management stakeholders | Pierce Colfer, Carol J. |
book |
1320 | Who counts most? Assessing human well-being in sustainable forest management. | forest management poverty | Pierce Colfer, Carol J.: et al. |
book | 8 - the criteria and indicators toolbox series |
10390 | Who killed change? Solving the mystery of leading people through change. | organizational change; change leadership; communication; urgency; performance management; accountability; social networking | Blanchard, Ken; Britt, John; Hoekstra, Judd; Zigarmi, Pat |
purch |
9850 | Who moved my cheese? : An amazing way to deal with change in your work and in your life. | An amazing way to deal with change in your work and in your life. | change psychology | Johnson, Spencer |
purch |
9870 | Who moved my cheese? : An amazing way to deal with change in your work and in your life. | change psychology | Johnson, Spencer |
purch |
5399 | Who pays for the Erika spill in France?. | oil spills, financing system, compensation, oil pollution, | Girin, M. |
serials | tropical coasts |
9864 | Who stole my cheese?!! A parody. | greed; wealth | Hochberg, I. |
purch |
14500 | Who wants to adopt sustainable charcoal production?: Determinants and willingness to adopt sustainable practices among small-scale producers in Quezon Province, Philippines | charcoal production; sustainable practice; forest resources; willingness to adopt; smallholder farmers | Espaldon, Marya Laya O.; Sumalde, Zenaida M.; Rebancos, Carmelita M.; Alcantara, Antonio J. |
serials | journal of environmental science and management |