List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
9565 Winning Solutions for Risky Problems : Proceedings of Conference 29, International Erosion Control Association. soil erosion and erosion control, sediment control program, hydraulic, landslide repair, rainfall erosion, watershed management, streambank and riverine, risk assessment, soil bioengineering, steep slope, urban and industrial development, cd

12890 Winning the war against BCR in papaya papaya disease Papaya Integrated Disease Management BCR management

Yap, Julio P., Jr.

serials agriculture magazine

2014 Winning the water war: Watersheds, water policies and water institutions. water management governance water allocation watershed management policy Angat Reservoir Laguna Lake Bukidnon Subwatershed Iloilo Watershed Batangas City Cebu City Philippines

Rola, A.C.; Francisco, H.A.; Liguton, J.P.T. (eds.)


14242 Winning traits of successful agri people agri entrepreneur; traits; record keeping

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

9146 Winter wheat growth monitoring using multi-temporal TerraSAR-X dual-polarimetric data. information technology, wheat,

Rei Sonobe

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

14139 Wiser with WAISS: Introducing SARAI's smart irrigation technology smart irrigation technology; soil moisture sensor; Water Advisory for Irrigation Scheduling System; UPLB; PCAARRD

Domingo, Ofelia F.

serials agriculture magazine

4161 With fluorescent light trap, farmer saves half the pesticide cost in rice. light trap, pests of plants,

Zagado, R.G.

serials agriculture

6124 With healthy soil comes healthy crop. soil fertilizer application soil conditioner

Layaoen, Myriam G.

serials agriculture magazine

37 With our own hands: research for Third World development: Canada's contribution through the International Development Research Centre, 1970-1985. research ceramic animal production teachers rural sanitation aquaculture oral rehydration information system cropping systems fuelwood seed storage book

16262 Wither the economics of agricultural development? economics; agricultural development; sustainable growth; poverty alleviation

Roumasset, James

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)