List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
9824 World Environmental Library 1.0. environment, humanity, cd

4337 World facing food crisis. population growth, food deficit, soil degradation,

Tacio, H.D.

serials agriculture

9825 World Fish Publications Catalog 2008. world fish, aquaculture, fisheries solutions, aquatic biology, aquaculture species, fisheries research institute, cd

1832 World food prospects: Critical issues for the early twenty-first century : 2020 vision food policy report. food security income levels food production import biotechnology information technology

Pinstrup-Andersen, P.; Pandya-Lorch, R.; Rosegrant, M.W.


9483 World Food Summit Demonstration CD-ROM - November 1996. agriculture development, food security, land and water development, information and support services, advice to government, neutral forum, cd

100 World grains market: implications for Philippines food security strategy grains market corn market food security GATT rice supply economic growth demand and supply

Hossain, M.; Sombilla, M.C.A.

book cpds working paper no. 97-02

15109 World heritage forests : Carbon sinks under pressure world heritage; forests; carbon sinks; climate change weblinks

1511 World irrigation irrigation environment water management irrigation management rural development water resources solar pumps salinization

Hikaru Tsutsui


9715 World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies (WOCAT). soil degradation, agricultural soil, soil and water erosion, soil, land and water, cd

515 World Resources 1992-93: A Guide to the Global Environment Sustainable development population human development food agriculture energy oceans coasts freshwater wildlife habitat forests rangelands atmosphere climate policies nongovernmental organizations book