List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2915 Yam nutrition: Nutrient disorders and soil fertility management. yams nutritional value nutrient disoders soil fertility yield determination nutrient deficiencies mineral toxicities

O'Sullivan, Jane N.

book aciar monograph no. 144

6909 Yangna stem borer, Celosterna pollinosa sulphurea Heller (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae): Density and spatial distribution pattern of oviposition markings. density distribution pattern current oviposition marking Celosterna pollinosa sulphurea Heller

Surachai Choldumrongkul

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

10329 Yayaman ka rin: Huwag sayangin ang pinaghirapang pera!. business money funds expenditures investments

Damaso, Jimeno M.


1177 Yayaman ka rin: Huwag sayangin ang pinaghirapang pera. expenses money

Damaso, Jimeno M.


3645 Year-round cultivation of cruciferous crops in Japan Cruciferae, Vegetable growing,

Yui, S.

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

5841 Yearning to be free of seeds. seedless mandarin citrus cybridization

Karp, David

serials agriculture magazine

420 Yeast Genetics: fundamentals and applied aspects. genetic control cell proliferation gene conversion meiosis sporulation yeast mitochondria nucleic acid

Spencer, J.F.T.; Spencer, D.M.; Smith, A.R.W. (eds.)

book springer series in molecular biology

15365 Yeast probiotics with potential to assimilate cholesterol in- vitro cattle; cholesterol assimilation; probiotics; yeast; Bali

Yan Ramona; Ni Luh Putu Ariwathi

serials biotropia: the southeast asian journal of tropical biology

12197 Yield and harvest index of corn as influenced by nitrogen level and plant density agronomy Yield harvest index corn nitrogen level plant density

Chanchai Kamolratana


16180 Yield and income effects of ecologically-based rodent management in Mekong River Delta, Vietnam impact evaluation; rice farmers; difference-in-difference; EBRM; PSM

Ninh, Ho Ngoc; Aragon, Corazon T.; Palis, Florencia G.; Rejesus, Roderick M.; Singleton, Grant R.

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)