ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
15591 | Workshop on Applications of OneHealth/EcoHealth Towards Sustainable Livestock Production in Southeast Asia: Narrative Report | onehealth; ecohealth; animal health; livestock; livestock waste management; river rehabilitation; human health | book |
3088 | Workshop on Coherence in Information for Agricultural Research for Development (CIARD) and Strengthening RAIS in the SAARC Countries : Proceedings. | agricultural information systems | book |
1927 | Workshop on environmental issues and regional needs: Final report. | biodiversity environmental impact forest resources conservation indigenous knowledge biotechnology people participation environmental changes | book |
3087 | Workshop on ICT/ICM for National Agricultural Research Information Systems in the Asia-Pacific Region & AgriDrupal Technical Workshop : Proceedings. | agricultural research ICT knowledge management ICT innovations agricultural knowledge repositories agricultural libraries GIS information systems | book |
3084 | Workshop on Information and Communication Management for Agricultural Innovation in Southeast Asia: Proceedings. | agricultural innovations ICM consortium research projects CIARD | book |
15601 | Workshop on Modeling Management of Climatic Stress in Rice-based Cropping Systems: Application of the AgPractices & Domains Platform | climatic stress; rice; modeling concepts; tools; modeling data; web-based platform; database | book |
3086 | Workshop on Moving Beyond Strategy to Improve Information and Knowledge Management for Agricultural Development in the Pacific Islands Countries and Territories: Proceedings. | ICM information exchange agricultural innovation systems agricultural development knowledge management CIARD agricultural information dissemination | book |
2503 | Workshop on research priorities in tidal swamp rice. | rice tidal swamp rice cultivation lowlands hydrology pests and diseases Indonesia Bangladesh Thailand Sri Lanka Vietnam India Ecuador | book |
9448 | Workshop on the Development of Interactive CD-ROM Program. | SEAMEO SEAMOLEC, interactive CD-ROM development, premaster CD-ROM program, chemistry, physics, english, electronics and procedures of export, | cd |
15583 | Workshop on the Establishment of SEAMEO Centres Policy Research Network (CPRN) | networking; policy research; training needs | book |