ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
9890 | World development indicators 2004. | world view people environment economy markets global links | purch |
9981 | World development indicators 2005. | world view people environment economy markets global links | purch |
9946 | World development indicators 2006. | people environment economy markets global links economy millennium development goals women in development population employment | purch |
10038 | World development indicators 2007. | people environment economy markets education disease prevention reproductive health nutrition health risk factors mortality millennium development goals women rural population energy production deforestation agricultural inputs air pollution traffic urban housing urbanization electricity exchange rates service exports service imports information age science and technology power and communications transport services public policies defense expenditures tax policies stock markets business investment travel and tourism movement of people tariff barriers | purch |
10149 | World development indicators 2008. | people environment economy markets education disease prevention reproductive health nutrition health risk factors mortality millennium development goals children at work health expenditure energy production deforestation agricultural inputs air pollution traffic urban housing urbanization exchange rates service exports service imports information age power and communications transport services science and technology public policies military expenditures tax policies stock markets business investment travel and tourism movement of people tariff barriers | purch |
9913 | World development report 2004: Making services work for poor people. | services water sanitation infrastructures electricity network systems education services health nutrition policymakers | purch |
9912 | World development report 2005 : A better investment climate for everyone. | A better investment climate for everyone. | investment poverty reduction regulation taxation financial markets labor markets international rules | purch |
9714 | World Development Report 2006 : Equity and Development Main Report. | equity and inequity, equality, income and poverty reduction, health education, women, investment and development, justice, land and infrastructure, macroeconomy and markets, | cd |
9823 | World Development Report 2008 : Agriculture for Development. | agriculture, agricultural production, poverty reduction, Biofuels, food security, agribusiness, genetically modified organisms, mitigation, adaptation, rural development, | cd |
10040 | World development report 2008: Agriculture for development. | agriculture poverty reduction rural poverty productivity growth agricultural taxation trade liberalization export commodities genetic improvement research and development ICT degradation environmental services rural employment agricultural wage employment rural labor labor supply livestock systems water management green revolution governance agricultural policy community-driven development | purch |