List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
7181 Which breed of goat should you raise?. goats goat raising Anglo-Nubian Angora Saanen Toggenburg French Alpine Philippine goat Dadiangas boer goat

Tacio, Henrylito D.

serials agriculture magazine

9147 Which design constraints apply to a pipe-farmed greenhouse?: From perspective of structural engineering, meteorological conditions and wind engineering. agricultural engineering, wind pressure, wind tunnel-test,

Hideki Moriyama

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

7779 White chickens now pastured. white chickens, fermented plant juice,

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

7752 White shrimp is big business in Thailand. white shrimp, shrimp industry, export, virus infection,

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

4520 White spot viral disease in penaeid shrimp - A review. penaeid shrimp, viruses, white spot viral disease,

Sangamaheswaran, A.P.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

13822 White spot: A new emerging disease in corn plant disease; white spot; corn; Phaeosphaeria serials agriculture magazine

2553 Whither the Philippines in the 21st century?. politics and government social conditions economic conditions poverty business opportunities press religion Philippines

Severino, Rodolfo C.; Salazar, Lorraine Carlos (eds.)


2066 Who counts most in sustainable forest management?. forest management stakeholders

Pierce Colfer, Carol J.


1320 Who counts most? Assessing human well-being in sustainable forest management. forest management poverty

Pierce Colfer, Carol J.: et al.

book 8 - the criteria and indicators toolbox series

10390 Who killed change? Solving the mystery of leading people through change. organizational change; change leadership; communication; urgency; performance management; accountability; social networking

Blanchard, Ken; Britt, John; Hoekstra, Judd; Zigarmi, Pat
