List of Materials : 16573

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
5861 Watermelon oozes with health benefits not just water. watermelon lycopene antioxidant betacarotene vitamin C thiamine vitamin A vitamin B6 heart

Requilme, Elden Karl L.

serials agriculture magazine

13679 Watermelon production guide watermelon; varieties; seedlings; land preparation; transplanting; fertilization; irrigation; pruning; pollination; harvest serials agriculture magazine

13131 Watershed characterization and vulnerability assessment using geographic information system and remote sensing watershed; vulnerability assessment; Geographic Information System; GIS; remote sensing; watershed instrumentation; faunal assessment; floral assessment; biological characterization; socio-economic components; georeferencing; hydrology; arc hydro tools book

12216 Watershed class prediction equations for three rock-type watersheds in humid tropical Thailand. forest resources management watershed equations rock-type watersheds humid tropical Thailand

Samakkee Boonyawat


95 Watershed management and food security in the Philippines: policy issues and concerns watershed management food security Philippines policy issues

Cruz, R.V.O.

book cpds working paper no. 97-07

15990 Watershed management and governance in a changing climate watershed management; climate change

Cruz, Rex Victor O.

serials searca agriculture and development notes 2013 2-6

12826 Watershed management for controlling water quality of Phetchaburi River, Phetchaburi Province, Thailand. irrigation system water quality stream flow diversion dam water pollution electrical conductivity coliform bacteria dilution process

Soulivanh Voravong


48 Watershed restoration and protection in the Bais Bay Basin, Philippines. watershed management Philippines

Walters, B.B.; Cadelina, A.M.; Cardaño, A.; Visitacion, E.

book ermp reports no.12

14113 Watershed-based water governance: Role of actors in Santa Cruz watershed, Laguna, Philippines state actors; non-state actors; water governance; Santa Cruz watershed; Philippines

Dayo, Maria Helen F.; Rola, Agnes C.; David, Myra E.; Nguyen, Miriam R.; Pulhin, Juan M.; Siason, Ida M.

serials the journal of public affairs and development

10111 Watersheds and groundwater depletion in the Philippines: The Cagayan de Oro experience. watersheds policies irrigation development groundwater groundwater depletion water valuation

Bautista, Germelino M.; Tan, Rosalina P.
