List of Materials : 16573

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
6283 Weather lore has scientific basis. weather clouds animals

Pablico, Sosimo Ma.

serials agriculture magazine

13224 Weather variability and rice-based farmers' adaptation practices in Myinmu Township, Sagaing Region, Myanmar climate change; rice production; weather variability; adaptation practices; extension education; communication; farmers; crop production; livelihoods; family income; Myanmar

Kay Thi Khaing


12393 Weather-based coconut yield forecasting in Mindanao, Philippines. agrometeorology coconut yields copra production

Saludes, Ronald B.


8751 Weather-tracking tool helps track migrating insects. insects, pesticide, corn earworms,

O'brien, Dennis

serials agriculture magazine

14656 Weaving beauty and success behind every fabric weaving; tradition; Malingkat; Mindanao

Lacson, Sahlie P.

serials agriculture magazine

7162 Weaving saluyot into high-fashion fabric. saluyot fabric polyester textile industry fiber crops pina raffia salago coconut coir market

Icamina, Paul M.

serials agriculture magazine

7140 Weaving technique seen to revive traditional design. Dobby loom weaving

Obmerga, Arlene

serials agriculture magazine

7593 Web-based information system for management of swine breeding herd farm. Computer-based recording system, open source software, swine breeding herd, web-based information system,

Saran Parisutthikul

serials the kasetsart journal

9511 WEBAGRIS System for Regional and National Centers : WWW-ISIS based application. AGRIS databases, web technology, AGRIS system, internet browser, HTTP server, HTML documents, cd

9837 Webster's third new international dictionary of the English language: unabridged. Dictionary purch