ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
98 | Water management 2000: not by irrigation alone | Water management climate change irrigation food security flood rainfall management weather-based decision making | Baradas, M.W.; Mina, J.DG |
book | cpds working paper no. 97-04 |
4682 | Water management during rainy season. | drainage, water management, plastic mulch, | serials | agriculture |
2727 | Water management in public irrigation schemes in Vietnam. | water management irrigation Vietnam | Harris, David N. |
book | impact assessment series 43 |
4974 | Water Monitor Lizard (Varanus salvator Laurenti). | serials | asean biodiversity |
1556 | Water policy reform: lessons from Asia and Australia. | Australia India Thailand Vietnam China water policy economic analysis water resources planning participatory irrigation management water management water allocation property rights water trade economic tools | Brennan, Donna (ed.) |
book | aciar proceedings no. 106 |
4029 | Water pollution of irrigation ponds in Kagawa prefecture and possible alleviation by increasing the amount of water. | agricultural engineering, nitrogen, simulation, excavation, inflow and outflow, water pollution, | Haruo Uchida |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
9924 | Water privatization: Corporate control versus people's control. | freshwater resources water crisis water privatization policy water resource management water services water supply bottled water irrigation rights business water distribution system | IBON Foundation, Inc. |
purch |
7449 | Water Qualities of Wastewater in Kasetsart University. | water qualities, wastewater, | Monchan Maketon |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
5259 | Water quality and identification of organisms found at the intake water area of South Bangkok Thermal Plant. | power plant, cooling system, planktonic organisms, salinity, water quality, | Charubhun, N. |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
14494 | Water quality and nutrient loading in the coastal waters of Boracay Island, Malay, Aklan, Central Philippines | nutrient inputs; water quality; Boracay Island | Limates, Vilma G.; Cuevas, Virginia C.; Benigno, Edwin |
serials | journal of environmental science and management |