List of Materials : 16573

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1010 Warble fly control in Europe hypodermosis cattle grub warble fly Hypoderma bovis

Boulard, Chantal; Thornberry, H. (eds.)


3464 Warning signs unheeded in South Pacific invertebrate trade

Kelso, B.J.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

1829 Waste management in the coastal areas of the ASEAN region : Roles of the governments, banking institutions, donor agencies, private sector and communities. waste management community awareness waste treatment waste disposal incineration technology solid waste management hazardous waste management coastal areas

Chua Thia-Eng; Garces, L.R. (eds.)

book iclarm conference proceedings 33

7983 Waste water and waste utilization in palm oil mills as contribution to climate protection. palm oil, life cycle assessment, waste water, empty fruit bunch, composting, biogas,

Schuchardt, Frank

serials landbauforschung vti agriculture and forestry research

14724 Wasteland turned into flower farm for agritourism flower farm; dwarf sunflower; wasteland; Quezon

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

3465 Wastewater reuse in aquaculture: socially and environmentally appropriate wastewater treatment for Vietnam

Edwards, P.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

9566 Wastewater Technologies and Management for Pacific Islands. technologies, Pacific Islands, Project Cycle Management, decision-making, management, wastewater, sanitation, cd

13577 Wastewater treatment with vermi-filtration wastewater treatment; vermi-filtration; biodegradation; biological filter; earthworms

Guerrero, Rafael D. III

serials agriculture magazine

3466 Wastewater use in aquaculture: research in Peru serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

3467 Wastewater-fed aquaculture systems: status and prospects

Edwards, P.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly