List of Materials : 16573

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
11354 Virgin coconut oil (vco) is here to stay. Dr. Teresita Espino National Institute for Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (BIOTECH) virgin coconut oil : vco breast milk processed foods The Healing Miriacles of Coconut Oil enzymes saturated fatty acid RX: Coconuts - the Perfect Health Nut health booster skin ailments nutritional medicinal Ayurvedic medicine reduce weight biotechnology artescloresis fat molecule cholesterol heart disease micropathogens animal parasites biotech biolife: a bi-monthly magazine on biotechnology

2485 Virgin coconut oil: State of the art. virgin coconut oil production health effects cardiovascular diseases monolaurin sepsis

Juliano, Bienvenido O. (ed.)


10533 Virology: Principles and applications. viruses virus structure virus transmission genome replication virions herpesviruses parvoviruses reoviruses picornaviruses rhabdoviruses retroviruses HIV human immunodeficiency viruses hepadnaviruses bacterial viruses evolution of viruses cancer virus infectivity vaccines anti-viral drugs prions

Carter, John; Saunders, Venetia


9526 Virtual Library Special Selection of Full-Texts on Food Security. virtual library, food security, world population, food summit action plan, agriculture, cd

2716 Virtuous circles: values, systems and sustainability. sustainability sustainable development climate change fossil fuels food security rainwater harvesting biogas urban agriculture supply chains tomato ketchup carbon footprinting food sovereignty

Jones, Andy; Pimbert, Michel; Jiggins, Janice


3754 Virus controls tomato fruitworm. Helicoverpa armihera, tomato, Helicoverpa nuclear polyhedrosis virus, serials agriculture

4079 Virus controls tomato fruitworm. Helicoverpa armigera, pests of plants, tomato, microbial pathogen, pest control, Helicoverpa nuclear polyhedrosis virus, serials agriculture

1814 Virus diseases of banana and abaca in the Philippines. banana abaca plant viruses banana bunchy top virus viroses mosaic diseases banana bract mosaic

Bajet, N.B.; Magnaye, L.V.


3732 Virus-free citrus plant materials can now be produced. citrus, virus, shoot-tip grafting,

Ramilo, Baby P.

serials agriculture

2051 Vision for water and nature : A world strategy for conservation and sustainable management of water resources in the 21st century. water freshwater sustainability wasteland wetland conservation degradation water resources management subsidies knowledge exchange book