List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
10903 Use of induced and in vitro mutations for rice improvement. rice mutations PhilRice PNRI rice tungro virus : RTV bacterial leaf blight

Desamero, Nenita V.; Padolina, Thelma F.


11306 Use of IT to focus research, extension and policy development. biotechnology information technology oil palm rice geographical information systems global positioning systems computer database agricultural research agricultural extension

Fairhurst, Thomas


7850 Use of long-term soil monitoring database for management of arable land in Japan. soil monitoring, database, soil property, fertilizer management, organic matter, Japan,

Ota, Takeshi

serials fftc technical bulletin 179

6067 Use of MACS biomass furnace lessens cost of mechanical drying. biomass furnace rice hull corn cobs fuel mechanical dryer

Cariaga, Karen Mei R.

serials agriculture magazine

5277 Use of modified starch as fat replacer in reduced fat coconut milk ice cream. coconut milk, ice cream, modified starch, fat replacer, viscosity, emulsifiers,

Surapat, S.

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

7546 Use of Nutrients and Chlorophyll-a for Fish Catch Estimation in Srinakarin Reservoir, Kanchanaburi Province. nutrients, chlorophyll-a, fish catch, Srinakarin reservoir,

Yupin Lerdburoos

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

4061 Use of plasma metabolite concentrations after glucose injection to predict the genetic ability of milk production in young calves. animal industry, dairy cattle, milk production, glucose,

Sasaki, Osamu

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

10905 Use of radiation-induced mutations and biotechnology for the development of new varieties of foliage and cutflower ornamentals. radiation-induced mutations biotechnology cutflower mutation breeding gamma radiation tissue culture Dracaena sanderiana

Lapade, A.G.; Nazarea, T.Y.; Veluz, A.M.S.; Marbella, L.J.; Nato, A.Q. Jr.; Coloma, C.B. Jr.


14288 Use of remote sensing to estimate paddy area and production: A handbook rice; remote sensing; agricultural and rural statistics; food security

Rotairo, Lea; Durante, Anna Christine; Lapitan, Pamela; Lakshman Nagraj Rao


7433 Use of Seed Coat Peroxidase Test and Seed Urease Test for Varietal Identification in Soybean. soybean, glycine max, varietal identification,

Wanchai Chanprasert

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science