List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
15673 Towards more sustainable logistics: Antecedents and outcomes of environmental performance for transport and logistics companies transport and logistics companies; antecedents of greening firms; environmental performance; economic performance; social performance; Institutional Theory; Resource Based View Theory

Layaoen, Haerold Dean


1714 Towards people's empowerment: GO-NGO collaboration in agricultural development. nongovernmental organizations government organization people empowerment rice programs Local Government Code livelihood cooperative foundations Pangasinan Nueva Ecija Tarlac

Navarro, Rex L.


2198 Towards policies for conservation and sustainable use of aquatic genetic resources : Proceedings of an international conference held on 14-18 April 1998 in Bellagio, Como, North Italy. aquatic genetic resources policies fish genetic conservation biotechnology genetically modified organisms commercialization transgenic fish aquaculture intellectual property rights biological diversity governance sustainable use biosafety assessment Asia and the Pacific Latin America Canada Brazil

Pullin, Roger S.V.; Bartley, Devin M.; Kooiman, Jan (eds.)


3106 Towards productive landscapes. forest and landscape restoration International Modest Forest Network landscape management emissions reductions Sustainable Land Management Program agrobiodiversity analog forestry wood energy modernization supply chains integrated landscape management ecological restoration commercial bamboo plantations participatory forest management environmental governance timber production book etfrn news no. 56

5398 Towards safer navigation and cleaner seas: INTERTANKO's partnership perspective. partnerships, International Association of Independent Tanker Owners, oil pollution, accident analysis, tanker shipping, oil spills, safety,

Alfonso, M.R.

serials tropical coasts

2281 Towards sustainable development in Angkor, Cambodia: Social, environmental and financial aspects of conserving cultural heritage. cultural property : protection temples : conservation and restoration sustainable development cultural parks world heritage areas cultural heritage : conservation revenues Angkor Cambodia

De Lopez, Thanakvaro; Tin Ponlok; Som Proeung; Choeun Sinoeun; SingThea; Suon Manith; Ros Sokrim

book research report no. 2006-rr5

14221 Towards sustainable fisheries development in Southeast Asia: The twenty-year Japanese trust fund saga in SEAFDEC sustainable fisheries development; fish catch; fishing gears; illegal fishing; unreported fishing; unregulated fishing; SEAFDEC

Ishii, Kaoru; Kawashima,Tetsuya; Sulit, Virgilia T.

serials fish for the people

14742 Towards sustainable land use: Aligning biodiversity, climate and food policies sustainable land use; international trade; land cover; ecosystems; greenhouse gas emissions; food systems; policy instruments; institutional coordination weblinks

1352 Towards sustainable shrimp culture in Thailand and the region : Proceedings of a workshop held at Hat Yai, Songkhla, Thailand, 28 October - 1 November 1996. shrimp farming shrimp culture aquaculture animal diseases geographical information systems coastal management

Smith, Paul T. (ed.)

book aciar proceedings no.90

2541 Towards the development of a sustainable financing mechanism for the conservation of the Ifugao Rice Terraces in the Philippines. rice planting terracing sustainable agriculture agricultural conservation water supply UNESCO Decalaration Ifugao Philippines

Calderon, Margaret M.; Dizon, Josefina T.; Sajise, Asa Jose U.; Andrada, Rogelio T. II; Bantayan, Nathaniel C.; Salvador, Myranel G.

book research report no. 2008-rr10