ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
15159 | Toward and inclusive social insurance coverage in the Philippines: Examining gender disparities | gender disparities; social protection; social insurance | Tabuga, Aubrey D.; Cabaero, Carlos C. |
book | research paper series no. 2021-06 |
14111 | Toward building collaborative collaborative capacity: Assessment of service delivery in Makati Homeville, Laguna, Philippines | collaborative capacity; service delivery, collaborative capacity framework | Amores, Christie C., Querijero, Nelson Jose Vincent B. |
serials | the journal of public affairs and development |
7687 | Toward measuring household vulnerability to income poverty in the Philippines. | household, poverty, vulnerability, income poverty, | Albert, Jose Ramon G. |
serials | philippine journal of development |
527 | Towards 2010: Challenges for agriculture and agricultural research | agriculture policies research | book |
950 | Towards a global terrestrial observing system (GTOS): Detecting and monitoring change in terrestrial ecosystems | networks remote sensing agroecosystems | book | mab digest 14 |
15890 | Towards a low-emission agrifood sector in the People’s Republic of China: A country profile | GHG emission; agrifood system; low-emission agriculture; challenges; policy recommendations; China | Song, Ziqian; Zhang, Yumei; Xiong, Wei; Chen, Kevin |
weblinks | occasional paper no. 5 |
13827 | Towards a more productive agriculture: A review of the policies affecting the Philippine fertilizer industry | fertilizer industry; inorganic fertilizers, bio-fertilizers, organic agriculture, price; fertilizer policies; Philippines | Ani, Princess Alma B.; Abeleda, Meliza F. |
weblinks |
15929 | Towards a more resilient Europe: Innovating EU democracy in the era of crises | citizens' conference; EU democracy; coronavirus pandemic; Ukrainian war; public sphere | Yasue, Noriko |
serials | journal of policy science |
10335 | Towards a national culture of excellence. | educating personal integrity family solidarity social solidarity universal charity cooperation personal integrity family solidarity universal solidarity social solidarity | Estanislao, Jesus P. |
purch |
587 | Towards a new agricultural revolution: research, technology transfer, and application for food security in Africa | Africa food Security research research policies technology transfer food policy | book |