List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
6015 The ultimate solution for mold inhibition and grain preservation. molds contamination mold inhibitor Fungicap feeds

Sison, Jaime Abella

serials agriculture magazine

5747 The ultimate trash to treasure: ARS research turns poultry waste into toxin-grabbing char. poultry manure droppings turkey chicken litters metals serials agriculture magazine

394 The understanding of nature: Essays in the philosophy of biology biology teleology evolution living things organic modals animals

Grene, Marjorie


2302 The unfinished story of women and the United Nations. women family planning rights of women women movement gender mainstreaming Beijing Conference

Pietila, Hilkka


13309 The unpredictable Golden Papaya Golden Papaya; fruit

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

8411 The unseen scourge of farmers. scourge, Flemingia macrophylla, Desmodium rensonii,

Tacio, Henrylito D.

serials agriculture magazine

11711 The Upland Stabilization Program (USP) : Palawan's model for upland development Upland Stabilization Program upland development Palawan Philippines

Ferriol, Godofredo F.


12089 The use of auxiliary information in Philippine agricultural statistics experimental statistics agricultural statistics

Ng Kok Tee


11978 The use of bamboo as propeller blades for windmills. agricultural engineering Bamboo windmills propeller blades

Amnuay Sittichareonchai


11842 The use of endomycorrhiza in rehabilitating matured cocoa stands soil microbiology endomycorrhiza cocoa vesicular-arbuscalore mycorrhiza seedlings growth Glomus mosseae Scutellospora calospora

Maria Viva Rini
