List of Web links : 520

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
16599 Unlocking the potential of precision agriculture for sustainable farming precision agriculture; crop yields; resource efficiency; sustainability; farm profitability; data security

Mgendi, George

weblinks discov agric 2, 87

16658 Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs): an adoptable technology for precise and smart farming sensors; unmanned arial vehicles; drone; remote-control; Micro-Controllers’ Internet of Things and Flight Controllers

Makam, Swetha; Komatineni, Bharath Kumar; Meena, Sanwal Singh; Meena, Urmila M

weblinks discov internet things

15655 Unravelling the effects of crop blue, green and grey virtual water flows on regional agricultural water footprint and scarcity virtual water flow; blue-green-grey water; crop water footprint; water scarcity; China

Cao, Xinchun; Bao, Yutong; Li, Yueyao; Li, Jianni; Wu, Mengyang


16613 Urban agriculture in public space: Planning and designing for human flourishing in northern European cities and beyond urban agriculture; human well-being; public space; capabilities approach; virtue ethics; compact city development; publicness; urban theory; action research; agroecology; social sustainability; municipal planning; public health; Europe

Sirowy, Beata; Ruggeri, Deni (Eds.)


13851 USDA building blocks for climate smart agriculture and forestry nitrogen; livestock; land conservation; grazing; pasture lands; forest growth and retention; wood products; urban forests; energy generation; greenhouse reduction weblinks

14288 Use of remote sensing to estimate paddy area and production: A handbook rice; remote sensing; agricultural and rural statistics; food security

Rotairo, Lea; Durante, Anna Christine; Lapitan, Pamela; Lakshman Nagraj Rao


14971 Using digital repeat photography to strengthen seasonal monitoring in Ethiopia's R4 Rural Resilience Initiative resilience; agricultural risk management; index insurance; food security; climate change; Teff; Ethiopia

Dejene Aredo, Samson; Kramer, Berber

weblinks ccafs working paper no. 342

15108 Using ecosystem risk assessment science in ecosystem restoration ecosystems; restoration; risk assessment; risk guidelines

Valderrabano, Marcos; Nelson, Cara; Nicholson, Emily; Etter, Andres; Carwardine, Josie; Hallett, James G.; McBreen, James; Botts, Emily


14674 Value adding pathways in agriculture and food trade: The role of GVCs and services agriculture; multi-regional output; agricultural trade; value chain; export; services; GTAP

Greenville, J.; Kawasaki, K.; Jouanjean , M.

weblinks oecd food, agriculture and fisheries papers, no. 123

13221 Value chain thinking: A trainer’s manual value chain; market; postharvest; farmers

Dent, Benjamin; Macharia, John; Aloyce, Agatha
