ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
15314 | Veterinary vaccines: principles and applications | livestock production; vaccines; immune response; vaccination; monitoring; quality control; standards; animal diseases; disease prevention; disease control | Metwally, S.; Viljoen, G.; El Idrissi, A. (Eds.) |
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15413 | VIII International conference on management of the diamondback moth and other crucifer insect pests, Proceedings | diamondback moth; Plutella xylostella; climate change; biological control; insecticides; cauliflowers; cabbages; mustards; resistance; genetic analysis; Pak choi | Srinivasan, R.; Sotelo-Cardona, P.; Zalucki, M.P.; Shelton, A.M. |
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13856 | Voices of impact: Speaking for the global commons - Stories from 25 years of environmental innovation for sustainable development | farmer field school; solar technology; technology transfer; climate change; resilience; flood management; women; land degradation; environmental innovations; biodiversity; hazardous chemical wastes; food security; cotton; community conservation; renewable energy; organic pollution; protected areas conservation; climate proofing; tuna fisheries; forests; sustainable development | weblinks |
14760 | Vulnerability of agriculture production networks and global food value chains due to natural disaster | agricultural production; food value chains; natural disasters; models; policies; vulnerability; social vulnerability; disaster resilience; organic agriculture; poverty reduction; flood; drought; land use changes; soil and water management; community resilience; sustainable development; watershed; food industry; ICT; industrial agricultural production; integrated landscape management; women; socially inclusive development; upscaling; food security; agricultural development; environment; climate change; ASEAN | weblinks |
16688 | Water for food: Modernizing agriculture for a climate-smart future | water; agricultural productivity; irrigation | weblinks |
13887 | Water, security, and conflict | water; security; conflict; resilience; climate change | Peter Gleick, Peter; Iceland, Charles |
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14831 | Ways to achieve green Asia | climate change; environment; public sector governance; economic impacts; environmental regulation; carbon markets; trade; globalization; foreign direct investment | weblinks |
13730 | What a Waste 2.0 A global snapshot of solid waste management to 2050 | solid waste management; waste administration; waste treatment; disposal; waste generation | Kaza, Silpa; Yao, Lisa; Bhada-Tata, Perinaz; Van Woerden, Frank |
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15879 | What do we know about effectiveness of adaptation in reducing climate risks? A review of methodologies and evidence on adaptations in the agri-food systems | climate change; climate change adaptation; data; remote sensing; models; indicators; risk; satellite imagery | Koo, Jawoo; Reymondin, Louis; O Fionnagain, Dualta; O'Farrell, Jemima; Geever, Michael; Codyre, Patricia; Golden, Aaron; Spillane, Charles |
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14839 | What is the evidence-base for climate-smart agriculture in Malawi? An analysis of what works where powered by Evidence for Resilient Agriculture (ERA). | climate-smart agriculture; food security; agriculture; climate change; Malawi | Steward, Peter; Nyoka, Isaac; Lamanna, Christine; Kamau, Hannah; Namoi, Nictor; Nowak, Andreea; Rosenstock, Todd |
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