List of Web links : 520

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
16622 Why agriculture productivity falls: The political economy of agrarian transition agrarian; sustainability; agricultural productivity; capitalist transition; land transactions; productivity growth

Titumir, Rashed


13830 Why bees matter: The importance of bees and other pollinators for food and agriculture bees; food; agriculture; pollination; yield; honey; hunger weblinks

14970 Women's involvement in coffee agroforestry value-chains: Financial training, village savings and loans associations, and decision power in Northwest Vietnam food security; agriculture; climate change; gender equality; gender; agroforestry; coffee

Simelton, Elisabeth; Mulia, Rachmat; Nguyen, Toan T.; Duong, Tuan M; Le, Hieu X.; Tran, Ly H.; Halbherr, Lucia

weblinks ccafs working paper no. 340

13829 Working for zero hunger hunger; food security; nutrition; sustainable agriculture; poverty; economic growth weblinks

13727 World development report 2018 : Learning to realize education's promise education; learning; education system weblinks

15109 World heritage forests : Carbon sinks under pressure world heritage; forests; carbon sinks; climate change weblinks

15886 Xanthomonas wilt of banana: Training manual agricultural development; banana xanthomonas wilt; pest management; disease prevention; banana

Blomme, Guy; Kearsley, Elizabeth; Ocimati, Walter; Kitumaini, Nancy Safari


14687 Youth and agriculture: Key challenges and concrete solutions agriculture; youth; access; knowledge; information; education; land; financial services; green jobs; markets; agri-enterprise; ICT; vocational training; agro-ecotourism weblinks

14692 Youth for growth: Transforming economies through agriculture youth employment; global food security; stability; agricultural transformation; agrifood systems

Brigety, Reuben E. II; Pittman, Bobby J.; Yeboah, Felix Kwame


14685 Youth perceptions of agriculture: influence of cognitive processes on participation in agripreneurship youth; agripreneurship; agriculture; cognition approach

Magagula, Buyisile; Tsvakirai, Chiedza Z.

weblinks development in practice