ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
16682 | The carbon footprint of Conservation Agriculture | no-till; soil erosion emissions; tillage emissions; soil organic carbon accumulation; climate change mitigation | Freitag, Maik; Friedrich, Theodor; Kassam, Amir |
weblinks | international journal of agricultural sustainability |
15654 | The carbon footprint of the hake supply chain in Spain: Accounting for fisheries, international transportation and domestic distribution | hake; fisheries; carbon footprint; transformative changes; Spain | Aragao, Guilherme Martins; Saralegui-Díez, Pablo; Villasante, Sebastian; Lopez-Lopez, Lucia; Aguilera, Eduardo; Moranta, Joan |
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14775 | The cold chain for agri-food products in ASEAN | cold chain; agriculture; food value chain; trade; policies; ASEAN; Vietnam; Thailand; Indonesia; Lao PDR; Myanmar | weblinks | eria research project fy2018 no.11 |
14784 | The context of REDD+ in Myanmar: Drivers, agents and institutions | deforestation; degradation; climate change; policy; monitoring; REDD; Myanmar | Oo, T.N.; Hlaing, E.E.S.; Aye, Y.Y.; Chan, N.; Maung, N.L.; Phyoe, S.S.; Thu, P.; Pham, T.T.; Maharani, C.; Moeliono, M.; Adi, G.; Dwisatrio, B.; Kyi, M.K.M.; San, S.M. |
weblinks | cifor occasional paper no. 202 |
14781 | The context of REDD+ in Vietnam: Drivers, agents and institutions, 2nd edition | REDD; climatic change; deforestation; degradation; policy; Vietnam | Pham, T.T.; Hoang, T.L.; Nguyen, D.T.; Dao, T.L.C.; Ngo, H.C.; Pham, V.H. |
weblinks | cifor occasional paper no. 196 |
13843 | The current state, challenges and plans for Philippine agriculture | Philippine Development Plan; R and D investment; agricultural transformation; agricultural development; gross national income and gross domestic product | Brown, Ernesto O.; Ebora, Reynaldo V.; Decena, Fezoil Luz C. |
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14679 | The digitalisation of science, technology and innovation key developments and policies | digitalization; science; digital technology; innovation; technology; artificial intelligence; bioeconomy; digital transformation | weblinks |
14373 | The economic effects of public stockholding policies for rice in Asia | public stockholding; rice; impacts; policies; modelling | weblinks |
16659 | The economic effects of unmanned aerial vehicles in pesticide application: Evidence from Chinese grain farmers | unmanned aerial vehicles; propensity score matching; precision agriculture; adoption; pesticide application; Chinese grain farmers | Quan, Xiuhao; Guo, Qiaoling; Ma, Ji; Doluschitz, Reiner |
weblinks | precision agriculture |
15645 | The effect of conservation agriculture and environmental factors on CO2 emissions in a rainfed crop rotation | soil management; climate change; mitigation; conventional tillage; conservation agriculture; GHG emissions | Carbonell-Bojollo, Rosa; Veroz-Gonzalez, Oscar; Ordoñez-Fernandez, Rafaela; Moreno-Garcia, Manuel; Basch, Gottlieb; Kassam, Amir; Repullo-Ruiberriz de Torres, Miguel A.; Gonzalez-Sanchez, Emilio J. |
weblinks | sustainability 11, no. 14: 3955 |