ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
13721 | Rice breeding and mechanization for value addition in Lao PDR | aromatic; photoperiod sensitivity; mechanization; seed drill; transplanter; broadcasting; combine harvest; artificial dryer; sundry; delay harvesting; head rice | Phetmanyseng Xangsayasane |
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14988 | RobHortic: A field robot to detect pests and diseases in horticultural crops by proximal sensing | precision agriculture; robotics; computer vision; LiDAR; spectral imaging; precision agriculture; remote sensing; bacterial detection | Cubero, Sergio; Marco-Noales, Ester; Aleixos, Nuria; Barbé, Silvia; Blasco, Jose |
weblinks | agriculture |
14735 | Robots for herd management of dairy cows in tropical Taiwan | robot; dairy cattle; milking robots; trait improvement; data analysis; Taiwan | Wu, Ming-Che; Chao, Chuan-Wei; Shiau, Jen-Wen; Chang, Hsiu-Luan |
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15437 | Roles of social learning for the adoption of climate-smart agriculture innovations: Case study from My Loi Climate-Smart Village, Vietnam | climate-smart agriculture; action learning, climate-smart village; innovations; Vietnam | Tran, Helene; Simelton, Elisabeth; Quinn, Claire |
weblinks | ccafs working paper no. 194 |
15105 | Rural development report 2021: Transforming food systems for rural prosperity | food production; food consumption; food system; rural development | weblinks |
14746 | Safety assessment of foods and feeds derived from transgenic crops, Volume 3: Common bean, rice, cowpea and apple compositional considerations | common bean; rice; cowpea; apple; nutrients; constituents; anti-nutrients; toxicants; food; feeds; safety assessment | weblinks |
15177 | Scaling knowledge and innovations for food and nutrition security— Tackling dilemmas and blind spots | climate-smart agriculture; agriculture; food security; climate change; Africa; Eastern Africa | Koerner, Jana; Lubberink, Rob; Lammers, Ellen; Winter, Danielle de |
weblinks | food and business research synthesis study series |
15176 | Scaling of climate-smart agriculture via climate-smart villages in Southeast Asia: Insights and lessons from Vietnam, Laos, Philippines, Cambodia, and Myanmar | agriculture; climate-smart agriculture; food security; climate change; Cambodia; Laos; Myanmar; Philippines; Vietnam | Barbon, Wilson John; Punzalan, Bermenito; Wassmann, Reiner; Bui, Le Vinh; Vidallo, Rene R.; Villanueva, Jerome; Talsma, Tiffany; Bayot, Ruvicyn; Gonsalves, Julian F. |
weblinks | ccafs working paper no. 376 |
13850 | Scaling up climate-smart agriculture: Lessons from ESPA research | climate-smart agriculture; poverty; poverty alleviation | Schaafsma, Marije; Bell, Andrew R. |
weblinks | working paper no. 6 |
16452 | Scaling up inclusive innovations in agrifood chains in Asia and the Pacific | agrifood systems; value chains; food production; precision agriculture; food processing; innovation; digital technology; business models; Asia and the Pacific | Galvez Nogales, Eva |
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