ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
13732 | National climate change adaptation: Emerging practices in monitoring and evaluation | climate change adaptation; monitoring and evaluation; national tools; climate change risk; vulnerability assessment; national audits; climate expenditures | weblinks |
16486 | National-level models to support the use of evidence in agrifood systems policy | agrifood systems; agriculture; model; policy analysis; science technology and innovation; sustainable development | Stewart, Ruth.; Patino-Lugo, Daniel Felipe |
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14381 | Navigating pathways to reform water policies in agriculture | water policy; reform process; irrigation; agriculture policy; water governance; water subsidies; nonpoint source pollution; water prices; groundwater | Gruere, Guillaume; Le Boedec, Helene |
weblinks | agriculture and fisheries papers no. 128 |
14763 | Non-tariff measure in ASEAN - An update | trade; non-tariff measures; ASEAN; Indonesia; Vietnam; Lao PDR; Singapore; Cambodia; Brunei Darussalam; Myanmar; Malaysia; Thailand | weblinks |
15429 | Nowcasting from space: Impact of tropical cyclones on Fiji’s agriculture | satellite; cyclone; damage; impact; disaster; nowcasting; Fiji | Noy, Ilan; Blanc, Elodie; Pundit, Madhavi; Uher, Tomas |
weblinks | adb economics working paper series no. 676 |
14835 | Nurturing resilience in smallholder farming systems: Emerging insights from a Climate-Smart Village in Southern Shan State, Myanmar | smallholder farming systems; resilience; crop diversification; climate change; agriculture; food security; climate-smart agriculture; Myanmar | Barbon, Wilson John; Myae, Chan; Su, Myat Noe; Gonsalves, Julian |
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13715 | Nutrition-sensitive value chains: A guide for project design | value chain; nutrition; food systems | de la Peña, Isabel; Garrett, James |
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14967 | Occupational safety and health in forest harvesting and silviculture – A compendium for practitioners and instructors | forestry sector; forest workers; safety at work; occupational hazards; accident prevention; child labor; risk assessment; gender equality | Garland J.; Cedergren J.; Eliasson L.; van Hensbergen, H.; McEwan, A.; WÃÂsterlund, D. |
weblinks | forestry working paper no. 14 |
16448 | OECD-FAO agricultural outlook 2023-2032 | agricultural sector; agricultural products; commodity markets; crop forecasting; prices; consumption; trade policies; statistical data; macroeconomic analysis | OECD; FAO |
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13189 | Organic agriculture development in Taiwan | organic agriculture; organic farming; market | Antoine, Melchior; Andoko, Effendi |
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