List of Web links : 520

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
14694 Out-migration in agriculture: An analysis of the loss of labor in the agriculture sector in the Philippines agricultural employment; labor shortage; non-agricultural jobs; out-migration; Philippines weblinks r and d policy note

14767 Overview of agri-food industries in ASEAN: Basic information on the food value chain agricultural development; agriculture; food value chain; agri-food products; ASEAN; Malaysia; Indonesia; Thailand; Philippines; Vietnam; Lao PDR; Cambodia; Myanmar weblinks eria research project fy2018 no.12

14737 Overview of the agricultural modernization in Southeast Asia agricultural modernization; agricultural transformation; rural transformation; Southeast Asia

Takeshima, Hiroyuki; Joshi, Pramod Kumar

weblinks ifpri discussion paper 01819

14979 Participatory climate risk mapping: Building local adaptation capacities. A case from Ivisan, Capiz, Philippines climate change; agriculture; food system; climate-smart agriculture; adaptation; mitigation; livelihood climate risks; community risk mapping; Philippines weblinks

14842 Participatory development of scaling plan as a part of low emission roadmap in rice production of Mekong River Delta participatory approaches; mitigation; Vietnam; rice

Bui, Tan Yen; Sander, Bjoern Ole; Nelson, Katherine; Vu, Duong Quynh

weblinks ccafs working paper no. 302

15888 Participatory forage evaluation for integration in mixed crop-livestock-tree systems in upland intensive and highland extensive systems of Lao PDR: Preliminary assessment and results livestock production; farmer participation; grasses; legumes; pasture improvement

Owusu Danquah, Eric; Souksamlane, Khamphoumee; Atieno, Mary; Peters, Michael


14782 Payment for Forest Environmental Services (PFES) policy learning tool: A case study from Vietnam ecosystem services; policy; policy learning methods; Vietnam

Pham, T.T.; Dang, T.N.; Nguyen, D.T.; Le, M.T.; Pham, V.T.; Hoang, T.L.; Le, D.N.


13197 Performance of Philippine agriculture agriculture; production; crops; livestock; poultry; fisheries weblinks

14020 Pest-Smart Practices and Early Warning System under Climate Change (A Manual for Rice and Other Crops) food security; agriculture; climate change; climate-smart agriculture; pest control; disease control; rice; crops; pests and diseases; apple snail; humidity; rainfall; drought; grasshoppers; leafhoppers; crop rotations; resistant varieties; pesticides weblinks

16607 Pesticide-free agriculture as a new paradigm for research cropping systems; biological control; microbiome; breeding; epidemiological surveillance; digital agriculture; collective action; pest regulation; mission-oriented research

Jacquet, Florence; Jeuffroy, Marie-Hélène; Jouan, Julia; Le Cadre, Edith; Litrico, Isabelle; Malausa, Thibaut; Reboud, Xavier; Huyghe, Christian

weblinks agronomy for sustainable development