ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
16451 | Methods for estimating greenhouse gas emissions from food systems - Part V: Household food consumption | agrifood systems; greenhouse gas emissions; household consumption; energy consumption; non-renewable resources | Flammini, Alessandro; Adzmir, Hanif; Karl, Kevin; Tubiello, Francesco N. |
weblinks | fao statistics working paper series, no. 33 |
16450 | Methods for estimating greenhouse gas emissions from food systems - Part VI: fluorinated gas emissions | agrifood systems; cold chains; greenhouse gas emissions; methodology; databases | Flammini, Alessandro; Karl, Kevin; Thacker, Dakshesh; Tubiello, Francesco N. |
weblinks | fao statistics working paper series, no. 35 |
14977 | Minimum guidelines for CSV [climate-smart village] implementation | agriculture; climate-smart agriculture; climate-smart village; food security; climate change; social mobilization; monitoring and evaluation | Bui Le Vinh; Vu Thanh Bien; Do Thi Thu Ha; Nguyen Tuan Cuong; Trieu Hong Lua; Talsma Tiffany; Spillane Charles; Brychkova Galina; McKeown Peter |
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16685 | Mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions from rice via manipulation of key root traits | Aerenchyma; barrier to radial O2 loss; oxidation; CH4; CO2; N2O | Jimenez, Juan de la C; Pedersen, Ole |
weblinks | rice |
14897 | Modeling the impacts of agricultural support policies on emissions from agriculture | agricultural support; emissions; agriculture | Laborde, David; Mamun, Abdullah; Martin, Will; Pineiro, Valeria; Vos, Rob |
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15217 | Modular outreach materials for capacity development initiatives in TAAT compacts. Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa, Accra, Ghana | outreach materials; commercialization; compacts; technologies; aquaculture; cassava; high iron beans; livestock technology; sweet potato; rice; soil; sorghum and millet; wheat; youth | weblinks |
14827 | Myanmar country environmental analysis - Sustainability, peace, and prosperity: Forests, fisheries, and environmental management | community forestry; community forest enterprise; sustainable livelihoods approach; value chain analysis; financial benefit-cost analysis; social impacts; environmental impacts; livelihood; well-being; Myanmar | weblinks |
16404 | Myanmar inland fisheries and aquaculture: a decade in review | inland fishery; aquaculture systems; biodiversity; fisheries; economy; value chains; export; trade; governance; management practices; areas for improvement | Soe, Khin Maung; Baran, Eric; Grantham, Ruby; Tezzo, Xavier; Johnstone, Gareth |
weblinks | aciar monograph no. 209 |
13178 | Myanmar's rice industry and policies toward value addition and export | agricultural policy, rice industry, exports, farm gate price, value chain, institutional innovation | Theingi Myint |
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13846 | National climate change action plan 2011-2028 | climate change; food security; water sufficiency; ecological and environmental stability; human security; climate-smart industries and services; sustainable energy; knowledge; capacity development; monitoring and evaluation; Philippines | weblinks |