List of Web links : 520

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
13718 How government through agriculture improves the national welfare: Case from Indonesia agriculture; agricultural development; government

Andoko, Effendi; Zmudczynska, Edyta; Johnson, Cade


14968 How the adoption of drought-tolerant rice varieties impacts households in a non-drought year: Evidence from Nepal stress-tolerant rice varieties; non-drought; yield; Nepal

Vaiknoras, Kate; Larochelle, Catherine; Alwang, Jeffrey

weblinks ifad research series 64

14755 How to use of block chain technology in agriculture blockchain technology; agriculture; food safety; traceability; fair pricing; verification of authenticity; agricultural inputs; land title registration; contamination

Aldag, Mustafa Cem; Eker, Bulent


14372 Human acceleration of the nitrogen cycle : Managing risks and uncertainty nitrogen; nitrogen pollution; impact-pathway analysis; nitrogen cycle; conservation practices; agriculture; policy making; nitrogen impacts weblinks

13719 Hybrid rice development in Indonesia hybrid rice; research and development; yield; policy; Indonesia

Tahlim Sudaryanto


14837 Impact assessment of a local seventeen-year initiative on cassava-based soil conservation measure on sloping land as a climate-smart agriculture practice in Van Yen District, Yen Bai Province, Vietnam impact assessment; conservation agriculture; adaptation; mitigation; livelihoods; cassava; Vietnam

Bui, Le Vinh; Nguyen, Hai Nui; Nguyen, Tuan Cuong; Nguyen, Duc Trung; Trieu, Hong Lua; Doan, Thanh Thuy; Nguyen, Duc Tung; Vu, Thanh Bien; Nguyen, Thu Ha

weblinks ccafs working paper no. 308

16359 Impact of improved forages on soil health in Mai Son district, Son La province, Vietnam evaluation; soil; livestock; Vietnam

Do, Trong Hieu; Nguyen, Tien Sinh; Dao, Thi Thu Hang; Hoang, Xuan Thao; Peters, Michael; Atieno, Mary Otieno


14677 Impacts of agricultural policies on productivity and sustainability performance in agriculture: A literature review agricultural policy impacts; environmental sustainability; productivity; agricultural support

DeBoei, Gwendolen

weblinks oecd food, agriculture and fisheries papers no. 141

15415 Imperatives for improvement of food safety in fruit and vegetable value chains in Viet Nam value chains; agriculture; production; vegetables; fruit; heavy metals; pesticide residues; Vietnam

Basher, Md. Abul; Hoi, Pham Van; Dinh, Tran Thi; Srinivasan, Ramasamy; Schreinemachers, Pepijn


15428 Imperatives for improvement of food safety in fruit and vegetable value chains in Viet Nam fruits; vegetables; food safety; value chains; heavy metals; risk assessment; mustard greens; cucumber; nitrate; pesticide residues; microbial pathogens; postharvest handling; Vietnam weblinks