ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
16598 | Expert views on communicating genetic technology used in agriculture | farm technology; gene editing; selective breeding; expert opinions | Hendricks, Jillian; Weary, Daniel M.; von Keyserlingk, Marina A.G. |
weblinks | food ethics 9, 17 |
13725 | FAO Regional Meeting on Agricultural Biotechnologies in Sustainable Food Systems and Nutrition in Asia-Pacific, 11–13 September 2017, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - Meeting Report | agricultural biotechnologies; investments; dissemination; adoption; uses; social impacts; economic impacts; innovations; regulation; policies; intellectual property rights; nutrition; climate-smart agriculture; bioeconomy; genetic resources | weblinks |
14397 | Farm diversification through agritourism: Guidebook | agritourism; assets; resources; investment; safety; visitors; risk management; promotional tools | Vaugeois, Nicole L.; Bence, Shannon; Romanova, Anna |
weblinks |
13834 | Farmer field schools for small-scale livestock producers – A guide for decision makers on improving livelihoods | farmer field school; livestock; small-scale livestock systems; livelihoods | weblinks | fao animal production and health guidelines no. 20 |
13218 | Fifth ASEAN state of the environment report | environment; atmosphere; air; climate; land; biota; ecosystems; coasts; oceans; production; consumption; policy | weblinks |
13884 | Fighting for clean air around the globe: Air quality workshop outcome document | clean air; air quality; air pollution | Moses, Elizabeth |
weblinks |
13852 | Filling buckets, fueling change: Ensuring gender-responsive climate change adaptation | gender-responsive adaptation; climate change; food and nutritional security; water; governance; water distribution; poverty; natural resources; incomes; decision-making; leadership | weblinks |
13199 | Food outlook 2018: Biannual report on global food markets | wheat; coarse grains; rice; oilcrops; oils; meals; sugar; meat; meat products; milk; milk products; fish; fishery products; market assessments; market indicators; policy developments; dairy; prices; production; consumption; stocks | weblinks |
14828 | Food security in Asia and the Pacific amid the COVID-19 pandemic | food security; COVID 19; supply and demand; food supply chain; disruptions; international food trade; lockdowns; Asia and the Pacific | weblinks | adb briefs no. 139 |
13708 | Food security monitoring bulletin - Indonesia | food security, climate change; disasters; crops; planting; Indonesia | weblinks |