List of Web links : 520

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
14889 Climate change risk and adaptation assessment for irrigation in Southern Viet Nam: Water efficiency improvement in drought-affected provinces agriculture and natural resources; agricultural and food productivity; climate change; climate risks; adaptation assessment; climate resilient development; water; rural water; water resource management; Vietnam weblinks

14778 Climate change vulnerability assessments of forests and forest dependent people: A framework methodology climate change; forest management; mitigation; adaptation; impact assessment; community forestry; vulnerability assessments

Meybeck, A.; Rose, S.; Gitz, V.

weblinks fao forestry paper no. 183

14847 Climate risk mapping in the Philippines for sub-national targeting and prioritization for crop diversification to increase resilience of the agricultural sector high risk zones; climate change; root and tuber crops; Philippines

Bragais, Milben; Mohanty, S.; Baruah, Sampriti


14982 Climate-resilient development pathways. SADC Futures: Developing Foresight Capacity for Climate Resilient Agricultural Development Knowledge Series. CCAFS Report climate change; agriculture; food security; resilience

Chesterman, Sabrina; Neely, Constance; Thornton, Philip K.; Pereira, Laura


15178 Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA): Training Manual agriculture; food security; climate change; climate smart agriculture; gender equality; social inclusion; Asia; Southern Asia

Bhusal, Aastha; Khatri, Laxman; Bhandari, Bharat; Sherpa, Lakpa; Neupane, Grishma


14974 Climate-smart agriculture is good for business: A framework for establishing the business case for climate-smart agriculture investments climate change; agriculture; resilience; business; profitability; risks; climate-smart agriculture

Nowak, Andreea; Steward, Peter; Namoi, Nictor; Mayzelle, Megan; Kamau, Hannah; Lamanna, Christine; Rosenstock, Todd S.

weblinks ccafs working paper no.316

14390 Combatting land degradation, securing a sustainable future land degradation; landscape restoration; integrated land use planning; drought; resilience weblinks

15652 Combining reference trials, farm surveys and mathematical models to assess carbon footprint and mitigation measures in tropical agriculture emissions; maize; sweet potato; cassava; fertilizers; Peru

Morales, Rodrigo A.; Zorogastúa, Percy C.; Feliciano, Diana; de Mendiburu, Felipe; Quiroz, Roberto


14391 Community approaches to sustainable land management and agroecology practices agroecology; agribusiness; sustainable forest management; water; energy; technologies; rehabilitation

Nyandiga, Charles; Currea, Ana Maria


14780 Community forestry enterprise development in Myanmar through socially responsible business approaches community forestry enterprise; legal; natural resource management; environment; market; finance; social; cultural; technology; Myanmar

Greijmans, Martin; Gritten, David; Naing, Aung Kyaw; Htun, Khin Thiri; Atkinson, Julian
