List of Web links : 520

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
14964 Biodiversity for food and agriculture and ecosystem services - ; Thematic Study for The State of the World's Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture biodiversity; ecosystem services; foods; agriculture; natural resources weblinks

14986 Biodiversity mainstreaming: a review of current theory and practice biodiversity mainstreaming; theories; spatial and land use planning; sustainable production systems; valuation; ecosystem services; policy; co-benefits; trade offs

Smith, Jessica; Bass, Steve; Roe, Dilys


16408 Biodiversity status of the Mekong Delta, Vietnam - Working Paper 31 biodiversity conservation; climate change; food systems

Nguyen DT; Pham TT; Tang TKH


14676 Biodiversity: Finance and the economic and business case for action biodiversity; finance; loss; ecosystem restoration; business weblinks

14739 Blockchain for food: Making sense of technology and the impact on biofortified seeds blockchain technology; food technology; seed biofortification; food systems; food production; farmers; governance; supply chain

De Ruyter de Wildt, M.; Van Ginkel, M.; Coppoolse, K.; van Maarseveen, B.; Walton, J.; Kruseman, G.

weblinks community of practice on socio-economic data report copsed-2019-002

14757 Blockchain technology for agriculture: Applications and rationale blockchain technology; food supply chain; agricultural insurance; smart agriculture; smart contract

Xiong Hang; Dalhaus Tobias; Wang Puging; Huang Jiaun

weblinks front. blockchain 3:7

16605 Blockchain-based proxy re-encryption access control method for biological risk privacy protection of agricultural products agricultural products; biological risk factors; privacy protection; blockchain; re-encryption; attribute based access control

Wang, Shaohua; Luo, Na; Xing, Bin; Sun, Zhenzhen; Zhang, Hang; Sun, Chuanheng

weblinks scientific reports

15107 Breaking barriers with breeding: A primer on new breeding innovations for food security plant breeding; food security; breeding; livestock; innovations; agriculture; genome editing; South Asia; Southeast Asia weblinks isaaa brief no. 56

15050 Building agricultural market information systems: A literature review agriculture; markets; buildings; information systems; agricultural crisis; Viet Nam; Caribbean; Ghana; Kenya; Malawi; Senegal; Pacific Islands

Fonteneau, Francois; Khalil, Clara Aida


16402 Building global sustainability through local self-reliance: Lessons from landcare landcare; sustainability; agricultural extension; natural resource management; renewable resources; landcare ethics; governance

Dale, Allan; Curnow, Jayne; Campbell, Andrew; Seigel, Michael (Eds)

weblinks aciar monograph no. 219