ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
14765 | ASEAN vision 2040: Towards a bolder and stronger ASEAN community, Volume 1 | vision; digital revolution; industry; ASEAN | weblinks |
15310 | Asia and the Pacific – Regional overview of food security and nutrition 2021 | household food security; maternal and child health; infant feeding; nutrition security; nutrition statistics; food insecurity; trends; COVID-19; pandemics; Asia and the Pacific | FAO, UNICEF |
weblinks |
14021 | Asia’s rural-urban disparity in the context of growing inequality | income distribution; rural-urban income gaps; income per capita; poverty; Asia | Imai, Katsushi S.; Malaeb, Bilal |
weblinks | ifad research series 27 |
14829 | Asian Development Outlook (ADO) 2020: What drives innovation in Asia? | COVID 19; innovation; economic research; information and communications technology; communicable and vector-borne diseases; economic data; industry and trade; entrepreneurship | weblinks |
14671 | Asian economic integration report 2019/2020: Demographic change, productivity, and the role of technology | trade; global value chains; investment; financial integration; cooperation; demographic change; productivity; role of technology | weblinks |
16600 | Assessing emerging sustainability-oriented technologies: the case of precision agriculture | sustainability-oriented innovation; emerging technology; technology assessment; spectral clustering; precision agriculture | Rennings, Michael; Baaden, Philipp; Block, Carolin; John, Marcus; Broring, Stefanie |
weblinks | scientometrics |
15427 | Assessing spatiotemporal differences in shrimp ponds using remote sensing data and machine learning algorithms | Jilinmakers 1, Mekong delta, shrimp farming, sustainable aquaculture, TripleSat | Bellam, Pavan Kumar; Gumma, Murali Krishna; Panjala, Pranay; Suzuki, Aya; Mohammed, Ismail |
weblinks | adbi working paper 1366 |
13712 | Assessment of agribusiness venture arrangements and sugarcane block farming for the modernization of agriculture | agribusiness; sugarcane block farming; agrarian reform; banana; pineapple; sugarcane; commercial crops | Pantoja, Blanquita R.; Alvarez, Joanne V.; Sanchez, Flordeliza A. |
weblinks | pids discussion paper series no. 2017-35 |
15313 | Assessment of agricultural plastics and their sustainability: A call for action | agricultural plastics; pollutants; pollution control; waste management; impact assessment; environmental monitoring; action plans | weblinks |
13731 | Atlas of sustainable development goals from world development indicators 2018 | sustainable development; poverty; hunger; health; education; gender equality; clean water; clean energy; economic growth; industry; innovation; infrastructure; climate change | weblinks |