ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
15313 | Assessment of agricultural plastics and their sustainability: A call for action | agricultural plastics; pollutants; pollution control; waste management; impact assessment; environmental monitoring; action plans | weblinks |
13731 | Atlas of sustainable development goals from world development indicators 2018 | sustainable development; poverty; hunger; health; education; gender equality; clean water; clean energy; economic growth; industry; innovation; infrastructure; climate change | weblinks |
14688 | Attracting and retaining youth in agriculture: Challenges and prospects | agriculture; rural; youth; unemployment; migration | Sukanya Som; Burman, R. Roy; Sharma, J.P.; Padaria, R.N.; Paul, Sudipta; Singh, A.K. |
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16662 | Awareness of local farmers in the use of agricultural drones | agricultural drones; traditional farming; local farmers | Villagomeza, John Nestor G.; Tuala, Jasper Tadeo I.; Villanueva, Mima M.; Eslabon, Rey T. |
weblinks | international multidisciplinary journal of research for innovation, sustainability, and excellence (imjrise) |
14370 | Background notes on sustainable, productive and resilient agro-food systems : Value chains, human capital, and the 2030 Agenda | value chains; agro-food value chains; goods and services; agriculture performance; human capital development; agriculture; agricultural innovation; agricultural extension; sustainable development goals; environmental sustainability; climate change; economic growth; food security | weblinks |
15430 | Battling Climate Change and Transforming Agri-Food Systems: Asia–Pacific Rural Development and Food Security Forum 2022 Highlights and Takeaways | emissions; climate change; food systems; women; productivity; digital revolution; financing sustainable agriculture; nutrition security; malnutrition; noncommunicable diseases; education; urban farms; diet quality | weblinks |
16485 | Becoming a young farmer - Young people’s pathways into farming: Canada, China, India and Indonesia | young farmers; youth; gender; agrarian resources; agriculture; Canada; China; Indonesia | Sharada Srinivasan (Ed.) |
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13720 | Best practices of agri-entrepreneurs in the Philippines | agri-entrepreneurship; agribusiness; agriculture; youth | Baticados, Glenn N. |
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14378 | Bio-economy and the sustainability of the agriculture and food system | sustainability; bio-economy; agro-food system; coherence; monitoring; policy instruments; innovation | Diakosavvas, Dimitris; Frezal, Clara |
weblinks | agriculture and fisheries papers no. 136 |
15409 | Biodigesters and green productivity: a sustainable approach to clean cooking | biogas; methane gas production process; biogas plants; benefits; polyethylene biodigesters; biofertilizers | Bhowmick, Shuvasish |
weblinks | productivity insights, vol.3-2 |