ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
15432 | Building horticulture value chains and reducing postharvest losses in Pakistan | horticulture; value chains; postharvest losses; potatoes; green chilies; apples; infrastructure development; Pakistan | Ghafoor, Abdul; Basher, Md. Abul; Badar, Hammad; Lee, Sangjun |
weblinks | adb briefs no. 235 |
13213 | Building resilience for sustainable ASEAN from water-related disasters - Executive summary report | water; natural disasters; climate change; disaster management; hazards; water security; Asia; Pacific; ASEAN; Brunei Darussalam; Cambodia; Laos; Malaysia; Myanmar; Indonesia; Philippines; Singapore; Thailand; Vietnam | Keizrul bin Abdullah |
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13202 | Building resilience through Safe Access to Fuel and Energy (SAFE): Moving towards a comprehensive SAFE Framework | energy; resilience; sustainable livelihood; disaster risks; climate change; women; health; safety; conflict sensitivity; gender equality; renewable energy; alternative fuels; sustainable natural resources; forest management; disaster risk reduction; climate change adaptation; mitigation | weblinks |
14747 | Building resilient cities An assessment of disaster risk management policies in Southeast Asia | disaster risk management; policies; governance structure; Indonesia; Thailand; Philippines; Malaysia; Vietnam; Southeast Asia | weblinks |
13831 | Building stronger partnerships for resilience: Opportunities for greater FAO engagement in realizing the goals of the DFID Humanitarian Policy | resilience; livelihoods; disaster risks; agriculture; food security; nutrition; food safety; social protection; partnerships; conflicts | weblinks |
13726 | Building urban resilience : Principles, tools, and practice | urban resilience; disasters; climate change; risks; uncertainty; disaster risk management; social resilience; mitigation; land use planning | weblinks |
15661 | Can food security and low carbon be achieved simultaneously? —An empirical analysis of the mechanisms influencing the carbon footprint of potato and corn cultivation in irrigation areas | food security; climate nexus; irrigated agriculture; carbon footprint; smallholder farmer; path analysis | Niu Kun-yu; Guo Hui; Liu Jing |
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14312 | Carabao situation report, January-December 2018 | carabao; inventory; distribution by region; volume of production; value of production; supply and disposition; imports; prices; Philippines | weblinks |
16681 | Carbon footprint in agriculture sector: a literature review | carbon footprint; agriculture sector; input-output analysis; life cycle assessment; SWOT analysis; CiteSpace analysis | Miao, Zhuang; Zhao, Ziheng; Long, Tengju; Chen, Xiaodong |
weblinks | carbon footprints |
15650 | Carbon footprint of the globe artichoke supply chain in Southern Italy: From agricultural production to industrial processing | globe artichoke; supply chain; greenhouse gases; carbon footprint; global warming potential; circular economy | Rana, Roberto Leonardo; Bux, Christian; Lombardi, Mariarosaria |
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