ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
16686 | A real-time on-site precision nutrient monitoring system for hydroponic cultivation utilizing LIBS | hydroponics; precision agriculture; nutrient monitoring; laser-induced break down spectroscopy; liquid LIBS; elemental analysis | Lim, Daryl; Keerthi, K., Perumbilavil, Sreekanth; Sandeep, C.S. Suchand; Antony, Maria Merin; Matham, Murukeshan Vadakke |
weblinks | chemical and biological technologies in agriculture |
15216 | A resource manual for training in integrated agricultural research for development (IAR4D) in innovation platforms: Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA), Accra Ghana | agricultural research systems; innovation platform; value chain; planning; training; Africa | Fatunbi A.O; Adekunle, A.A.; Youdeowei, Anthony; Odularu, G.O.; Adisa, S.A.; Ohiomoba, Ifidon; Akinbamijo, A.A. |
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15416 | A scoping study of urban community gardening promoted by the Philippine National Urban and Peri-urban Agriculture Banner Program (NUPAP) | urban community gardening; peri-urban agriculture; farming technologies; monitoring and evaluation | Bayot, Ruvicyn S.; Schreinemachers, Pepijn; Mwambi, Mercy; Dominguez, Dulce D.; Oro, Emilita M.; Gonsalves, Julian F. |
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15417 | A scoping study on the status of seedling systems in Metro Manila, The Philippines | vegetable production; seedlings; plant nurseries; urban agriculture; markets; Philippines | Arro, Eduardo A., Jr. |
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16664 | A systematic review on the application of UAV-based thermal remote sensing for assessing and monitoring crop water status in crop farming systems | agriculture; remote sensing; environmental monitoring | Ndlovu, Helen S.; Odindi, John; Sibanda, Mbulisi; Mutanga, Onisimo |
weblinks | international journal of remote sensing |
16597 | A technical survey on practical applications and guidelines for IoT sensors in precision agriculture and viticulture | precision agriculture; precision viticulture; Internet-of-Things; IoT; sensor networks; smart irrigation; smart fertilization; pests and diseases detection; vegetation cover monitoring and mapping; climatic monitoring; sensor installation best-practices; crop productivity; crop sustainability | Pascoal, David; Silva, Nuno; Adão, Telmo; Lopes, Rui Diogo; Peres, Emanuel; Morais, Raul |
weblinks | sci rep 14, 29793 |
14017 | A thriving agricultural sector in a changing climate: Meeting Malabo Declaration goals through climate-smart agriculture. ReSAKSS Annual Trends and Outlook Report 2016 | climate change; agriculture; food security; climate-smart agriculture; trade; precision agriculture; nutrition; gender-sensitive | weblinks |
13857 | ABS is genetic resources for sustainable development | genetic resources; sustainable development; biological diversity; Africa; Arab States; Asia; Central and Eastern Europe; Latin America; Caribbean; Pacific Islands | weblinks |
14684 | Acceptance and readiness of Thai farmers toward digital technology | acceptance; readiness; digital farming; digital technology; technology adoption; Thailand | Sayruamyat, Suwanna; Nadee, Winai |
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13859 | Achieving land degradation neutrality for people and planet | land degradation; sustainable development; landscape restoration; community-based land management | weblinks |