ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
14745 | Aligning development co-operation and climate action: The only way forward, the development dimension | Paris Agreement; development cooperation; sustainable development; climate change | weblinks |
16617 | Altering crop management practices to promote pollinators | pollinators; land sharing; flowering crops; cover crops; crop diversity | Franco, Jose G.; Mallinger, Rachel E. |
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15053 | An Innovation in Agricultural Science and Technology Extension System – Case study on science and technology backyard | food production; small scale farming; agricultural research for development; technology; agricultural sciences; science and technology backyard; innovations; technology transfer; agricultural knowledge | Yang, P.; Jiao, X.; Feng, D.; Ramasamy, S.; Zhang, H.; Mroczek, Z.; Zhang, W. |
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16657 | An integrated data-driven approach to monitor and estimate plant-scale growth using UAV | UAV; crop monitoring; plant scale growth model; logistic growth curve; growth characteristics; maturity estimation; lettuce | Vigneault, Philippe; Lafond-Lapalme, Joel; Deshaies, Arianne; Khun, Kosal; de la Sablonnière, Samuel; Filion, Martin; Longchamps; Louis; Mimee; Benjamin |
weblinks | isprs open journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing |
15112 | An outlook on Asia’s agricultural and rural transformation: Prospects and options for making it an inclusive and sustainable one | agricultural transformation; sustainable development; rural economy; climate change; smallholders; agribusiness; poverty; agrifood; Asia | Bresciani, Fabrizio; Chalmers, Thomas; Terzano, Dilva; Gaiha, Raghav; Thapa, Ganesh; Kaicker, Nidhi |
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14379 | Analysis of long-term challenges for agricultural markets | total factor productivity; agricultural prices; trade modelling; agricultural productivity; climate change; food security | Saunders, John T.; Adenauer, Marcel; Brooks, Jonathan |
weblinks | agriculture and fisheries papers no. 131 |
13839 | Answering critical questions on mining in the Philippines | Philippine mining; sustainable development; social and environmental responsibility; bureaucracy; poverty alleviation; corruption; the triple bottom-line; revenue; taxes | Clemente, Eligia D.; Domingo, Sonny N.; Manejar, Arvie Joy A. |
weblinks | discussion paper series no. 2018-38 |
14371 | Applying the OECD principles on water governance to floods : A checklist for action | flood; flood governance; water governance; critical risks; checklist | weblinks |
14667 | Approaches to organic rice-based production: Meeting the challenges of low-external-input rice production system | green agriculture; value chain; organic agriculture; breeding rice genotypes; nutrition management; organic rice; macronutrients; organic fertilizer; bio-pesticides; soil micronutrients; pest and disease management; organic farming technologies; rice yield; Palayamanan Model; Mindoro | weblinks |
15110 | Artificial intelligence for agriculture innovation - Community Paper | agriculture innovation; artificial intelligence; smart farming | weblinks |