List of Web links : 510

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
14790 Contributions of biodiversity to the sustainable intensification of food production: Thematic study for The State of the World’s Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture biodiversity; food production; sustainability

Dawson, I.K.; Attwood, S.J.; Park, S.E.; Jamnadass, R.; Powell, W.; Sunderland, T.C.H.; Kindt, R.; McMullin, S.; Hoebe, P.N.; Baddeley, J.; Staver, C.; Vadez, V.; Carsan, S.; Roshetko, J.M.; Amri, A.; Karamura, E.; Karamura, D.; Karamura, D.; Hossain, M.E


14773 Corn Working Group in the Philippines business model - Case study corn; business model; achievements; Philippines

Salpietra, Deanna


14668 Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS), November 25, 2019 - November 25, 2024 roadmap; governance; market; environmental and community resilience; gender and social Inclusion weblinks

13828 Country gender assessment of agriculture and the rural sector in the Philippines gender assessment; agriculture; rural sector; human development; Philippines weblinks

14888 COVID-19 pandemic impacts on food security in Central and West Asia: Key issues and strategic options agriculture and natural resources; agricultural and food productivity; health; emerging diseases; COVID-19; industry and trade; economy, rural development; Afghanistan; Armenia; Azerbaijan; Georgia; Kazakhstan; Kyrgyz Republic; Pakistan; Tajikistan; Turkmenistan; Uzbekistan

Bui, Giap Minh

weblinks adb central and west asia working paper series no. 9

13735 Cracking the Nut 2018: Promoting agricultural technology adoption and resilience climate resilience; sustainable natural resource; poverty reduction; digital technologies; climate-smart agriculture; agricultural development; climate change weblinks

13826 Creating a sustainable food future - A menu of solutions to feed nearly 10 billion people by 2050 food; agricultural products; food production; ecosystems; protection; fish supply; greenhouse gas emissions; sustainable food; agricultural land

Searchinger; Tim; Waite, Richard; Hanson, Craig; Ranganathan, Janet


14691 Creating jobs for rural youth in agricultural value chains rural youth; agricultural value chains; agri-food value chains weblinks cta technical brief 20

13713 Crop insurance program of the Philippine Crop Insurance Corporation: Integrative report from the five case regions in the Philippines crop insurance; poverty; risks and shocks in agriculture; Philippine Crop Insurance Corporation

Reyes, Celia M.; Agbon, Adrian D.; Mina, Christian D.; Arboneda, Arkin

weblinks pids discussion paper series no. 2017-39

14309 Crops statistics of the Philippines 2013 – 2017 palay; corn; banana; calamansi; mango; pineapple; abaca; coconut; coffee; rubber; sugarcane; tobacco; cabbage; cassava; eggplant; garlic; mung bean; mongo; onion; peanut; sweet potato; camote; tomato; vegetables; rootcrops; volume of production; Philippines weblinks