List of Web links : 520

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
14824 Community forestry participatory assessment: A guide for practitioners social forestry; participatory assessment tools; community forestry

Dahlström, Jonas; Youngpatana, Pratya; Gritten, David; Hayward, Daniel


14826 Community forestry-based climate change adaptation climate change adaptation; community forestry; vulnerability assessment; gender; social difference; equity weblinks

14849 Community seed banks: concept and practice. Facilitator handbook (updated version) community gene banks; agricultural biodiversity; governance and management; policies and laws

Vernooy, Ronnie ; Sthapit, Bhuwon; Bessette, Guy


15659 Comparative environmental footprints of lettuce supplied by hydroponic controlled-environment agriculture and field-based supply chains water stress; vertical farming; food miles; carbon footprint; supply chain; urban agriculture

Casey, Leanne; Freeman, Ben; Francis, Kurt; Brychkova, Galina; McKeown, Peter; Spillane, Charles; Bezrukov, Andrey; Zaworotko, Michael; Styles, David


13892 Competitiveness of Philippine rice in Asia rice; varieties; seeds; crop establishment; fertilizer and nutrient management; pesticide use and practices; rice yield; rice production; prices; marketing; pricing policy weblinks

15438 Concepts and methods for changing value chains: Innovative tree-crop-based agroforestry systems value chains; agroforestry; social-ecological systems; forest transition theory; theory of change; tree crop rejuvenation

van Noordwijk, Meine


13717 Concepts and methods for food environment research in low and middle income countries agriculture; nutrition; health; food environment; prices; availability; consumption; consumption

Turner, C.; Kadiyala, S.; Aggarwal, A.; Coates, J.; Drewnowski, A.; Hawkes, C.; Herforth, A.; Kalamatianou, S.; Walls, H.


14834 Conservation agriculture for a climate-resilient and sustainable upland agriculture: A success story from a seventeen-year local program in northern Vietnam conservation agriculture; climate resilience; sustainable upland agriculture; environmental impacts; economic impacts; social impacts; Vietnam

Bui, Le Vinh; Nguyen, Hai Nui; Nguyen, Tuan Cuong; Nguyen, Duc Trung; Trieu, Hong Lua; Doan, Thanh Thuy; Nguyen, Duc Tung; Vu, Thanh Bien; Nguyen, Thu Ha

weblinks ccafs info note

15658 Consumer concerns over food insecurity drive reduction in the carbon footprint of food consumption consumer behaviour; sustainability; food security; carbon footprint; consumer concerns; SEM

Righi, Selene; Vigano, Elena; Panzone, Luca


15657 Consumer stated preferences for dairy products with carbon footprint labels in Italy carbon footprint; label; environmental labels; willingness to pay; consumer preferences; dairy products; logistic regression

Canavari, Maurizio; Coderoni, Silvia
