List of Web links : 520

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
13215 Greentech made in Germany 2018: Environmental technology atlas for Germany climate change; mitigation; environment; environmental technology; green technology; digitalization; climate action plan; waste management; recycling weblinks

15414 Grow against the flow: Scaling off-season vegetable innovations to increase farmers’ income and improve nutrition in Cambodia and Lao PDR off-season vegetables; income; nutrition; yard-long beans; brassica; tomatoes; Cambodia; Lao PDR

Mwambi, Mercy; Bonnarith, Uon; Asikin, Yoeu; Phanith, Chou; Schreinemachers, Pepijn


15883 Guide for the assessment of cacao quality and flavour Theobroma cacao; flavoring; quality control; organoleptic analysis

Cacao of Excellence


15426 Guidelines for forest landscape restoration in the tropics forest landscape restoration; case studies; guidelines weblinks itto policy development series no. 24

16487 Guidelines for measuring gender transformative change in the context of food security, nutrition and sustainable agriculture food security; gender; nutrition; rural development; rural livelihoods; rural transformation; gender transformative change indicators weblinks

14787 Guiding principles for sustainable bamboo forest management planning: Benishangul-Gumuz Regional State (BGRS) forest management; bamboo; sustainable harvesting; land restoration; market; Ethiopia

Boissiere, M.; Beyessa, M.; Atmadja, S.


14670 Harvesting and managing rainwater using collapsible rubber tanks rainwater harvesting; collapsible rubber tank; climate change adaptation; El Nino

Sobremisana, Marisa; Sobremisana, Antonio Gabino; Jasper; Veluz, Simplicio


14396 Harvesting prosperity technology and productivity growth in agriculture agriculture; agricultural productivity; productivity growth; innovation; technology adoption; value chain; poverty reduction; economic transformation; land; labor productivity

Fuglie, Keith; Gautam, Madhur; Goyal, Aparajita; Maloney, William F.


14401 Higher Education in Southeast Asia and Beyond (HESB) higher education weblinks

14733 How are digital technologies changing innovation? Evidence from agriculture, the automotive industry and retail digital technologies; digital transformation; sectoral analysis; agriculture; automotive; retail; innovation policy; research and development intensity

Paunov, Caroline; Satorra, Sandra Planes

weblinks oecd science, technology and industry policy papers no. 74