ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
14771 | Making vegetable markets work (MVMW) - Case study | value chain; farmers; farmer productivity; vegetable sector; market system; partnership; Myanmar | Johnson, Drew |
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14376 | Managing weather-related disasters in Southeast Asian agriculture | agriculture; floods; droughts; tropical storms; disaster risk management; disasters; mitigation policies; Southeast Asia | weblinks |
16609 | Mapping varieties of farmers’ experience in the digital transformation: a new perspective on transformative dynamics | digital transformation; digital technologies; agriculture; experience; smart farming; adaptive capacity | Knitsch, Valentin; Daniel, Lea; Welz, Juliane |
weblinks | precision agriculture |
16663 | Marketability of nano-fertilizers among local farmers | nano-fertilizer; product; place; price; promotion | Villagomeza, Jona D.; Tuala, Jasper Tadeo I.; Villanueva, Mima M.; Eslabon, Rey T. |
weblinks | international multidisciplinary journal of research for innovation, sustainability, and excellence (imjrise) |
13890 | Measure the chain: Tools for assessing GHG emissions in agricultural supply chains | greenhouse gas emissions; value chain; agriculture; land use; calculation tools | Richards, Meryl |
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13709 | Measuring rice yield from space: The case of Thai Binh Province, Vietnam | rice yield; paddy rice mapping; land cover classification; agriculture; ALOS-2; crop cutting; crop yield; Fusion; Landsat; MODIS; remote sensing; Vietnam | Kaiyu Guan; Ngo The Hien; Zhan Li; Lakshman Nagraj Rao |
weblinks | adb economics working paper series no. 541 |
14377 | Meeting policy challenges for a sustainable bioeconomy | bioeconomy; biomass sustainability; biotechnology; genomics; food production; biorefinery; bio-based production; metabolic engineering; synthetic biology; industrial biotechnology; training; education | weblinks |
16361 | Megathyrsus maximus breeding: First generation of testcross progenies | plant breeding; urochloa; progeny testing | Hernandez, Luis Miguel; Rios, Gonzalo; Jauregui, Rosa |
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16615 | Megatrends in agriculture, food industry and food markets: An empirical and holistic approach | agriculture; food industry; food markets; climate change; hunger; agri-food organizations; agri-business; megatrends in agriculture; food security; international trade; sustainability; farmer cooperatives; globalization; global value chains; protectionism; agricultural trade policies | Hansen, Henning Otte |
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16354 | Methodological note: Qualitative research methods to explore women’s leadership | gender equality; leadership; women's empowerment; natural resources management; commons | Morgan, M.; Misra, D.; Ravani, K.; Kachhap, A.; Madappa, P.; Elias, M.; Meinzen-Dick, R.; Priyadarshini, P. |
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