ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
736 | Asian rice bowls: The returning crisis? | rice productivity sustainability farm profits erosion pollution demand market GATT commercialization pesticides labor scarcity fertilizers pesticides technologies | Pingali, P.L.; Hossain, M.; Gerpacio, R.V. |
book |
13919 | Asian universities in new times | higher education; hybrid universities; leaders | book | thf workshop reports no. 2 |
2227 | Asian water supplies: Reaching the urban poor : A guide and sourcebook on urban water supplies in Asia for governments, utilities, consultants, development agencies, and nongovernmental organizations. | water resources management water and sanitation service water supply poverty water providers tariffs governance government policies subsidies private sector | McIntosh, Arthur C. |
book |
2305 | Aspects of forestry management in the Lao PDR. | forest management harvest export timber logging practices illegal logging | book |
1601 | Aspects of urban water and sanitation in the context of rapid urbanization in developing Asia. | Water supply sanitation urbanization | Pernia, E.M.; Alabastro, S.LF. (eds.) |
book | economic staff paper no.56 |
2760 | Assessing China's impact on poverty reduction in the Greater Mekong Sub-region: The case of Cambodia. | poverty reduction trade export import China Cambodia | Chandarany, Ouch; Chanhang, Saing; Dalis, Phann |
book | cdri working paper series no. 52 |
13669 | Assessing financial protection against disasters: A guidance note on conducting a disaster risk finance diagnostic | disaster risk management; finance; insurance market | book |
14410 | Assessing forest governance in Cambodia: Identifying key challenges and interventions to strengthen governance - Policy brief | forest governance; assessment; Cambodia | book |
14411 | Assessing forest governance in Lao PDR: Identifying key challenges and interventions to strengthen governance - Policy brief | forest governance; assessment; Lao PDR | book |
14413 | Assessing forest governance in Myanmar: Identifying key challenges and interventions to strengthen governance - Policy brief | forest governance; assessment; Myanmar | book |