List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2584 Are Metro Manila households willing to pay for cleaner transport? cleaner public transport electric jeepney diesel jeepneys willingness to pay Manila

Francisco, Jamil Paolo S.

book eepsea research report no. 2011-rr1

16636 Are Philippine cities ready to become smart cities? smart city; infrastructure; service; challenges; Philippines

Ramos, Tatum P.; Lorenzo, Pauline Joy M.; Ancheta, Jenica A.; Ballesteros, Marife, M.

book research paper series no. 2023-02

2462 Aromatic plants and essential constituents. aromatic plants essential oil medicinal plants flowers fruits book

1280 Aromatic rices. rice taxonomy biochemistry germplasm plant protection crop husbandry environmental factors

Singh, R.K.; Singh, U.S.; Khush, G.S. (eds.)


15449 Art for peace and environment: A case of Benin art; awareness; peacebuilding; environmental protection

Kim Kwang-Hyun; Kim Ahhyeon; Kim Jiwon (eds.)

book eiu best practices series no. 60

1527 Artificial breeding of cattle : a practical guide. Artificial insemination Cattle : Animal breeding

Boothby, Dennis; Fahey, Geoff


990 Artificial insemination in pigs Philippines artificial insemination swine production semen collection semen processing selection boar economic returns

Baguio, Synan S.; Argañosa, Arturo S.

book pcarrd technology, v.16(2)

13924 ASEAN and member states: Transformation and integration - Volume 3 economic transformation; trade; investment; economic integration; Brunei Darussalam; Cambodia; Indonesia; Lao PDR; Malaysia; Philippines; Singapore; Thailand; Vietnam; ASEAN book

13136 ASEAN biodiversity outlook biodiversity; biological diversity; biodiversity resource management; ecosystems; forests; agro-ecosystems; peatlands; inland waters; mangroves; coral reefs; seagrasses; habitat change; climate change; invasive alien species; over-exploitation; pollution; poverty; biodiversity conservation; protected areas; fisheries; food security; socio-cultural community; environmental sustainability; sustainable management; natural resources; conservation; ASEAN book

13151 ASEAN biodiversity outlook 2 biodiversity; environment; ecosystems; forest; agricultural biodiversity; inland waters; coastal and marine biodiversity; taxonomy; wildlife conservation; invasive alien species; climate change; protected areas; biodiversity conservation; valuing biodiversity; ASEAN; Aichi book