List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2990 An analysis of the recreational use value of Apo Island, Philippines. natural resources coral reefs Apo Island socioeconomic

Wilma M. Tejero

book eepsea 2014-srg3

68 An anthology on ASEAN economic co-operation Singapore Philippines Malaysia Australia Indonesia Industry Trade commodities Agriculture Energy Finance and Banking Shipping Tourism Education ASEAN Institutions ASEAN Foreign Economic relation Food security book

86 An assessment of devolution in the environment & natural resources sector in the Philippines assessment environment natural resources Philippines

Malayang, Ben S. III

book working paper no. 98-06

14198 An assessment of economic valuation of biodiversity for protected area management in ASEAN protected areas; ecosystem services; biodiversity; economic valuation; success stories; good practices; ASEAN

Bennagen, Eugenia C.


2565 An assessment of forest management options for preventing forest fire in Indonesia. forest management forest fire forest fire control

Fatah, Luthfi; Udiansyah

book eepsea research report no. 2009-rr9

3051 An assessment of TESDA scholarship programs. TVET Market private education financial assistance scholarship impact technical vocational education and training

Orbeta, Ancieto C., Jr.; Abrigo, Michael Ralph M.

book pids research paper series no. 2013-01

13145 An assessment of the community management mortgage program implementation strategy service delivery; loan process; loans; community mortgage program; housing program; beneficiary substitution; collection performance; cost; program administration

Ballesteros, Marife M.; Ramos, Tatum P.; Magtibay, Jasmine E.

book research paper series no. 2017-01

15895 An assessment of the Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) in the Philippines: Supply-side challenges and ways forward immunization; expanded program on immunization; vaccine administration; timeliness; demand; coverage; supply; cold chain system; financing; human resources; leadership; Philippines

Ulep, Valerie Gilbert T.; Uy, Jhanna

book research paper series no. 2022-04

1166 An assessment of the prospects of a local vaccine for infectious coryza in poultry. vaccine market coryza poultry growers cost and return analysis

Elazegui, D.D.

book working paper no. 01-06

1395 An economic analysis of coral reefs in the Andaman Sea of Thailand. coral reefs recreational use economic analysis tourism valuation

Udomsak Seenprachawong

book eepsea research report 2001-rr7