List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
213 Agriculture in the GATT: an analysis of alternative approaches to reform Agriculture GATT Trade policies tariffs import restrictions

Zietz, J.; Valdes, A.

book ifpri research report no.70

15545 Agriculture policy and institutional reforms in Lao-PDR: Experiences, impacts, and lessons value chain; food security; policies; agriculture; Lao PDR

Bounthong Bouahom; Dethsackda Manikham

book southeast asian agriculture and development primer series, 2nd edition

1994 Agriculture: New directions for a new nation East Timor (Timor-Leste) : Proceedings of a workshop, 1-3 October 2002, Dili, East Timor. Proceedings of a workshop, 1-3 October 2002, Dili, East Timor. agriculture livestock cropping systems forest conservation fisheries coffee agricultural mechanization groundnut sweet potato maize

da Costa, H.; Piggin, C.; da Cruz, C.J.; Fox, J.J. (eds.)

book aciar proceedings no. 113

14266 Agritech - The UPLB-CAFS technologies production technologies; production systems; crop protection; postharvest technologies; food processing technologies; research and development book

15568 Agro-Industrial Development Regional Workshop research and development; agro-industrial development; Southeast Asia book

583 Agro-tourism in Australia: a potential success story tourism industry rural areas Australia

Connors, Tom

book apaari publication, 1997/3

1546 Agrochemical Pollution of Water Resources Malaysia Thailand Australia runoff soil erosion nutrient loss water resources agroecosystems endosulfan pesticide nutrient leaching insecticides contaminant leaching

Salama, R.B.; Kookana, R. (eds.)

book aciar proceedings no. 104

51 Agroecosystem analysis and rapid rural appraisal of selected sites in the Central Cordillera, Ifugao, Philippines. Philippines agroecosystem Rapid appraisal Central cordillera Ifugao agricultural surveys rural conditions

Guy, Peter (ed.)

book ermp reports no.15

483 Agroecosystems of the midlands of Northern Vietnam : A report on a preliminary human ecology field study of three districts in Vinh Phu Province. A report on a preliminary human ecology field study of three districts in Vinh Phu Province. agroecosystem human ecology indigenous knowledge soil management water resources homegardens livestock land use Vietnam

Le Trong Cuc; Gillogly, K.; Terry Rambo, A. (eds.)

book occasional paper no.12

1618 Agroforestry and improved land-use systems in Vietnam : Highlights from a National Training-of-Trainers Course. Highlights from a National Training-of-Trainers Course. Agroforestry techniques training participatory methods

Dang Kim Vui Nguyen Van So; Pham Quang Vinh; Le Quoc Doanh; Ha Dinh Tuan; Nguyen Thanh Thuy (Compilers)

book vacb working paper no.2