List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
15839 Agricultural competitiveness through clinical genomics of priority diseases clinical genomics; veterinary medicine

Baticados, Waren N.

book searca agriculture and development discussion paper series no. 2014-1

267 Agricultural cooperatives in Asia and the Pacific. Indonesia Philippines Thailand agricultural cooperatives cooperatives policy issues book

1548 Agricultural credit in Asia and the Pacific. Bangladesh Republic of China Fiji India Indonesia Islamic Republic of Iran Japan Republic of Korea Malaysia Mongolia Nepal Pakistan Sri Lanka Thailand Vietnam financial deregulation farm credit rural finance financial markets national policies rural financial institutions institutional credit credit sources book

2772 Agricultural development and climate change: The case of Cambodia. agricultural development climate change credit

Bansok, Ros; Phirun, Nang; Chhun, Chhim

book cdri working paper series no. 65

2609 Agricultural development and land policy in Vietnam. agricultural development land policy land use land fragmentation tax policies rural credit policy price policy rural land resource poverty farm income households Vietnam

Marsh, Sally P.; MacAulay, T. Gordon; Hung, P.V. (eds.)

book aciar monograph no. 123

2065 Agricultural development with rainforest conservation : Methods for seeking best bet alternatives to slash-and-burn, with applications to Brazil and Indonesia. Methods for seeking best bet alternatives to slash-and-burn, with applications to Brazil and Indonesia. rainforests upland farming systems agricultural development agronomic sustainability climate change biodiversity Amazon Brazil Sumatra Indonesia

Tomich, Thomas P.; van Noordwijk, Meine; Vosti, Stephen; Witcover, Julie


502 Agricultural diversification : Report of a study meeting, Oct 17-27, 1989. Report of a study meeting, Oct 17-27, 1989. alternate crops cropping systems livestock production production control book

222 Agricultural diversification in monsoon areas. water control land consolidation rice farming farm management crop diversification soil constraints book

1455 Agricultural economics. agriculture economics market price determination macroeconomics money microeconomics production management international trade budgeting cooperative price elasticity land use

Goodwin, John W.; Drummond, H.E.


506 Agricultural energetics agriculture energy consumption energy conservation energy requirements food industry energy analysis

Fluck, Richard C.; Baird, C.D.
