List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2339 Advocacy guide to private sector involvement in water services. private sector water and sanitation services planning stakeholder analysis risk management networking lobbying media evaluation book

959 Afforestation and rehabilitation of Imperata grasslands in Southeast Asia: Identification of priorities for research, education, training and extension Identification of priorities for research, education, training and extension afforestation forest rehabilitation Imperata trees feed grasses timber plantation research education traning extension activities agroforestry networks Southeast Asia

Turvey, N.D.

book aciar technical reports no.28

867 Aflatoxin in maize : A proceedings of the workshop, El Batan, Mexico, April 7-11, 1986 A proceedings of the workshop, El Batan, Mexico, April 7-11, 1986 toxicoses agronomic factors plant stress detection insects breeding control

Zuber, M.S.; Lillehoj, E.B.; Renfro, B.L. (eds.)


1818 Aftermath: Women and women's organizations in postconflict societies : The role of international assistance. The role of international assistance. women organizations international assistance gender

Krishna Kumar

book usaid program and operations assessment report no. 28

24 Aggregate economic analysis. macroeconomic approach fiscal policy income consumption investment commodity market money market equilibrium income foreign trade inflation economic change Keynesian Analysis

McKenna, Joseph P.


1172 Aggregate economic analysis. macroeconomic income Keynesian System fiscal policy investment inflation banking system

McKenna, Joseph P.


150 Agrarian reform communities: identification of needs by residents in 357 barangay nationwide (March 1996 - March 1999) Agrarian reform needs book

151 Agrarian structure and reform measures. Indonesia Malaysia Philippines Thailand agrarian reform policies agricultural structure rural development agricultural development book

2425 Agri-product supply-chain management in developing countries : Proceedings of a workshop held in Bali, Indonesia, 19-22 August 2003. Proceedings of a workshop held in Bali, Indonesia, 19-22 August 2003. supply chain management agribusiness supply chains banana marketing systems consumer needs aflatoxin peanuts mandarins traders vegetables cocoa melons Mindanao Australia Indonesia China Papua New Guinea Vietnam Philippines

Johnson, G.I.; Hofman, P.J. (eds.)

book aciar proceedings no. 119

226 Agribusiness (Asian Case Studies) Part 1 case studies agribusiness livestock industry poultry industry corn industry industries book agribusiness management resource materials, v.2