List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
15893 A review of the Philippines’ participation in trade in services agreements trade; services agreements; services negotiations; multilateral agreements; bilateral agreements; regional agreements; governance

Serafica, Ramonette B.; Oren, Queen Cel A.

book research paper series no. 2022-06

2069 A review of tropical forestry and agroforestry problem areas and policy research needs and the planned response of the CGIAR system. forestry agroforestry policy research programs trees rural welfare

Spears, J.; Oram, P.; Byron, N.; Scherr, S.; Izac, A.M.


467 A revision of the subfamily Criocerinae (Chrysomelidae) of North America, North of Mexico Neolema Oulema Lilioceris Coleoptera Lema fabricius Oulema Criocerinae

White, R.E.

book technical bulletin 1805

3037 A scoping study on climate change and biodiversity of protected areas and key ecosystems in Southeast Asia. climate change biodiversity ecosystem ASEAN Heritage parks Southeast Asia technological interventions strategic initiatives ecosystem restoration book

674 A search for strategies for sustainable dryland cropping in semi-arid Eastern Kenya: Proceedings of a symposium held in Nairobi Kenya Dec. 10-11, 1990. Proceedings of a symposium held in Nairobi Kenya Dec. 10-11, 1990. cropping systems climate soil fertility erosion sustainability maize Kenya

Probert, M.E. (ed.)

book aciar proceedings no.41

1809 A selection of useful trees and shrubs for Kenya : Notes on their identification, propagation and management for use by agricultural and pastoral communities. trees shrubs vernacular names species propagation uses seeds book

1859 A standardised format for documenting and reporting participatory rapid rural appraisal and related surveys in the South Pacific. documentation reporting rapid rural appraisal surveys

Kronen, M.

book prap leaflet no. 17

1537 A step toward forest conservation strategy (2) : Research on a desirable forest management system. Research on a desirable forest management system. Forest conservation forestry law forest management sustainability forest products forest industry timber trade deforestation forest fires people participation

Isozaki, Hiroji (ed.)


1541 A step toward forest conservation strategy (3) : Research on forest conservation policies. Research on forest conservation policies. Forest conservation policies forest management timber trade policy economic trends

Isozaki, Hiroji (ed.)


2797 A step towards a sustainable village from a Community Learning Centre floating on the lake Tonle Sap : Final report on the Capacity Building Workshop for Teachers and CLC Facilitators on Environmental Education, Siem Reap, Cambodia, 13-15 November 2007. Final report on the Capacity Building Workshop for Teachers and CLC Facilitators on Environmental Education, Siem Reap, Cambodia, 13-15 November 2007. education learning book