ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
13865 | Accessing the People's Survival Fund (PSF) - Training Manual | climate change; disaster risk reduction; disaster risk management; investment; vulnerability; Philippines | book |
2743 | Accountability and human resource management in decentralised Cambodia. | decentralization human resource management salary accountability | Netra, Eng; Craig, David |
book |
2745 | Accountability and Neo-patrimonialism in Cambodia: A critical literature review. | decentralization public management patrimonialism accountability governance | Kimchoeun, Pak; Vuthy, Horng; Netra, Eng; Sovatha, Ann; Sedara, Kim; Knowles, Jenny; Craig, David |
book | working paper 34 |
2783 | Accountability and planning in decentralized Cambodia. | decentralization accountability service delivery national planning | Vuthy, Horng; Craig, David |
book | cdri working paper series no. 39 |
2782 | Accountability and public expenditure management in decentralised Cambodia. | decentralization accountability | Kimchoeun, Pak; Craig, David |
book | cdri working paper series no. 38 |
313 | Accounting information systems: concepts and practice for effective decision making | Accounting budgetary accounting data bases information systems systems study computerized accounting internal control | Moscove, S.A.; Simkin, M.G. |
book |
301 | Accounting: How to meet the challenges of relevance and regulation | accounting managerial accounting | book |
15824 | Accumulation of arsenic in fruits and vegetables grown in arsenic-contaminated areas in Cambodia | arsenic accumulation; fruits; vegetables; crops | Uy, Davin; Sokchea, Hak |
book | searca agriculture and development discussion paper series no. 2010-4 |
101 | Achieving food security in the Philippine: some critical points to consider | food security demand foreign supply domestic production cash crops subsistence crops | Cabanilla, Liborio S. |
book | cpds working paper no. 97-01 |
2660 | ACP-EU fisheries research initiative - Proceedings of the Conference on Sustainable Use of Aquatic Biodiversity: Data, Tools and Cooperation : Lisbon, Portugal, 3-5 September 1998. | aquatic biodiversity biodiversity ecosystem management governance | Pullin, R.S.V.; Froese, R.; Casal, C.M.V. (eds.) |
book | acp-eu fisheries research report no. 6 |