List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1231 Administrative Order No.08, Series of 1995 : Rules and procedures governing the transferability of lands awarded to agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARBs) pursuant to Presidential Decree no. 27 as amended by Executive Order no.228 and Republic Ac. Rules and procedures governing the transferability of lands awarded to agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARBs) pursuant to Presidential Decree no. 27 as amended by Executive Order no.228 and Republic Ac. lands book

2902 Adoption and diffusion of modern rice varieties in Bangladesh and eastern India. rice diversity spatial distribution adoption consumer preferences milling cooking practices biofertilization micronutrient deficiencies

Hossain, M.; Jaim, W.M.H.; Paris, T.R.; Hardy, B. (eds.)


2950 Adoption and uptake pathway of GM technology by Chinese smallholders: Evidence from bt cotton production. GM technology bt cotton biotechnology adoption cotton bollworm cotton aphid cotton mirids

Xiaobing Wang; Jikun Huang; Huaiju Liu; Cheng Xiang; Wei Zhang


3089 Adoption and uptake pathways of GM/biotech crops by small-scale, resource-poor farmers in China, India, and the Philippines. bt cotton biotech corn farmers crop adoption

Navarro, Mariechel J.; Hautea, Randy A.

book isaaa brief 48 - 2014

2632 Adoption of hybrid rice in Asia: Policy support : Proceedings of the Workshop on Policy Support for Rapid Adoption of Hybrid Rice on Large-scale Production in Asia, Hanoi, Viet Nam, 22-23 May 2001. Proceedings of the Workshop on Policy Support for Rapid Adoption of Hybrid Rice on Large-scale Production in Asia, Hanoi, Viet Nam, 22-23 May 2001. hybrid rice food security adoption production research and development Bangladesh China India Philippines Sri Lanka book

227 Adoption of soybean in Lupao, Nueva Ecija the Philippines economic evaluation soybean production farmers

Manuel, Paciencia C.; Huelgas, Romeo R.; Espanto, Leina H.

book cgprt no.7

949 Advanced data acquisition and analysis technologies for sustainable development remote sensing spatial data geographic information systems expert systems land use planning risk assessment

Estes, John E.; Ehlers, Manfred; Malingreu, Jean-Paul; Noble, Ian R.; Raper, Jonathan (eds.)

book mab digest no.12

15609 Advanced Higher Education Administrators Development (AHEAD) Course Guide higher education administration; sourcebook; course guide; AHEAD; resources generation and management; enhancing quality education book

1358 Advances in biochemical engineering : Reaction Engineering. gas solubilities enzymes biomass separation

Fiechter, A. (ed.)


1086 Advances in biotechnology: fermentation products - Volume III amino acids antibiotics vitamins nucleotides microbial enzymes mycotoxins biopolymers bioconversions fermentation

Moo-Young, Murray; Vezina, C.; Kartar Singh
